While I am looking for the sun-rise problem, in part of prior selection they said that ...
in a section of Beta distribution
Jaynes[53] questions (for the uniform prior Beta(1,1)) the use of these formulas for the cases s = 0 or s = n because the integrals do not converge (Beta(1,1) is an improper prior for s = 0 or s = n).
in proof of rule of succession
which is using Beta(1,1) as its prior https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_succession
This improper prior is 1/(p(1 − p)) for 0 ≤ p ≤ 1 and 0 otherwise.[5]
Where the p is an unknown parameter for the probability of success.
Though I don't know where 1/(p(1 − p)) comes from.
is Uniform(0,1)
which is proper prior.
Apparently, it is integrated into one, thus a proper prior.
Question: why prior Beta(1,1) in proof for the rule of succession is improper?