I have built a random forest model within a k-fold cv, and have had no problem calculating the AUC on the training set, but after trying a few methods of calculating AUC I keep getting errors to the effect of "response and predictors must be of the same length" when I try to use that same code on the test data.
I suspect this is because I built the model on the larger training data, but i'm not sure.
Below is an example of the code i've been using.
# setting up k-fold
k <- 5
folds <- rep_len(1:k,nrow(df))
folds <- sample(folds,nrow(df))
# model
for (i in 1:k){
fold <- which(folds == i)
rf.model <- randomForest(df$outcome ~., ntree = 200, data = df, subset = -fold)
# subset out training and test set
train <- df[-fold,]
test <- df[fold,]
# calculate ROC/AUC on training data
roc.train <- roc(train$outcome, rf.model$votes[,2])
# calculate ROC/AUC on test data
roc.test <- roc(test$outcome, rf.model$votes[,2])
As I said, it works fine on the training data, but not on the test data. What is the appropriate way to calculate this? Any advice is appreciated!