I'm trying to model a process in which a success is the generation of $2$ items. If I model the process using a binomial random variable with p equal to the probability of success, I can compute the parameters for a binomial distribution.
For example, if I generate a $100000$ instances of a binomial random variable with $250000$ trials and probability of success $0.00065$:
s = rbinom(100000,250000,p2)
hist(s, breaks=30,freq=FALSE)
sapply(min(s):max(s), function(q) {
This gives the the number of successes, but I want to also model the number of observations which is $2$ times the number of successes. I assumed I could multiple $p$ times $2$, but that clearly isn't right. That translates to twice the probability of observing a success, and not the actual number of observations.
s2 = 2*s
hist(s2, breaks=30,freq=FALSE)
sapply(min(s2):max(s2), function(q) {
+ points(q,dbinom(q,250000,2*p2),pch=19)})
The mean is correct in that it has just shifted upward by a factor of $2$, but the variance is wrong. Analytically, I would have expected the variance to be $4np(1-p)$, but that doesn't appear to be the case here.
What am I missing?