I am using metabolite data generated from LC-MS. I am making comparisons between two groups at a time, and need to account for Type 1 error and multiple comparisons, so I have utilized Bonferroni correction method. I am in R, the formula I have used is as follows ( where pvalues vector was a list of p values for the different groups I am making comparisons between using the Mann Whitney test).
pvaluesadjust <- p.adjust(pvaluesvector, method="bonferroni")
Do my original p values have to be less than the p adjusted values calculated via the formula above in order to be deemed statistically significant?
From what I have read this is how I have understood it. A definition I found was adjusted P value is the smallest familywise significance level at which a particular comparison will be declared statistically significant as part of the multiple comparison testing.
For example, comparing disease vs control, the p value was 1.78e-105, the p adjusted value was 1.07e-104. Therefore as my p value is less than the p adjusted value is this significant statistically?
With another comparison between disease 2 vs control, the p value was 0.106807 and the p adjusted value is 0.6408. However, assuming alpha was initially set to 0.05, this comparison would not be statistically significant.
How can I use the p adjusted values to determine which comparisons are significant?
Edit: As I am using metabolite data an alpha of 0.05 is too large ( when my p values come up quite small). I understand now that the p.adjust (Bonferroni)in R is multiplying the p value by the number of comparisons.
Are there any other ways in R to carry out Bonferroni through dividing the alpha value by the number of comparisons? I would prefer this, as I am assuming given my small p values, that I will now arbitrarily have to set alpha as a smaller value than 0.05?