We have Cox proportional hazards model: $$ \lambda(t,x) = \lambda_0(t)exp(\boldsymbol \beta'\boldsymbol x),$$ where $\boldsymbol \beta$ and $\boldsymbol x$ are vectors. To make it simple, lets say that there are only 3 prognostic variables.
Say that we measured $(T_i,\delta_i,X_i)$ on $n$ subjects, where
$T_i$ are measured times, censored or not,
$\delta_i$ are indicators of censoring (1 = event, 0 = censoring),
$X_i$ is a vector of prognostic variables.
Let $t_1,...,t_k$ be ordered, distinct times of events, so that at any $t_i$ only one event occurs. Denote by $R(t) = \{i: t_i \geq t \}$ a set of subject still at risk at $t$.
We then have logarithm of partial likelihood function: $$l(\beta) = \sum_{i=1}^n \delta_i \left[\beta'x_i - \text{ln}\left(\sum_{j\in R(t_i)}exp(\beta'x_j) \right) \right],$$ from which we get maximum likelihood estimators $\hat\beta_1,\hat\beta_2,\hat\beta_3.$ For each $k\in \{1,2,3\}$ it follows that $$\frac{\hat \beta_k - \beta_k}{se(\hat \beta_k)}\sim N(0,1)$$ and that variance of estimated parameter $\hat \beta_k$ can be approximated using Fisher information: $$\text{var}(\hat\beta_k) \approx \left(-\frac{\partial^2}{\partial \beta_k^2}l(\beta)\right)^{-1}.$$
Variance of estimated parameter comes from Fisher information, saying that for random variable $X$ and unknown parameter $\theta$ upon which the probability of $X$ depends: $$I(\theta) = -\text{E}\left(\frac{\partial^2}{\partial\theta^2}log(f(X|\theta))\right),$$ $$\text{var}(\hat \theta) \geq I(\theta)^{-1}$$ where $f(X|\theta)$ is probability density function for $X$ conditional on $\theta$.
My questions are:
1. Why is approximation for $\text{var}(\hat \beta_k)$ without expected value? I would expect it to be
$$\text{var}(\hat\beta_k) \approx \left(-\text{E}\left[\frac{\partial^2}{\partial \beta_k^2}l(\beta)\right]\right)^{-1}.$$
2. Can we use $l(\boldsymbol \beta)$ instead of log pdf when applying Fisher information?
3. How could we write $f(X|\theta)$ in case of Cox model?
Thank you!