$\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbf Z}$$\newcommand{\y}{\mathbf y}$This sounds like this is a question about finite populations. Suppose we have a population $\mathscr U = \{1, \dots, N\}$ and each unit has a value $y_i$ associated with it. If we are taking a sample and using design-based inference we will need to consider
\pi_{ij} := P(i\in S, j \in S).
If sampling was done independently, which here is with replacement, we'll have $\pi_{ij} = \pi_i \pi_j$. But when it isn't then the discrepancy between $\pi_{ij}$ and $\pi_i\pi_j$ can affect estimators of interest. I'll go through an example with estimating the mean of this finite population that shows where terms like that 10% would appear and what their effect is.
For instance, suppose $S\subset\mathscr U$ is our sample of size $n$ and we are estimating the population mean $\mu$ via
\bar y = \frac 1n \sum_{i \in S}y_i = \frac 1n \sum_{i=1}^N Z_iy_i
for $Z_i = \mathbf 1_{i \in S}$. To get the expected value of this estimator we don't have to worry about independence of sampling due to the linearity of expectation:
\text{E}(\hat y) = \frac 1n \sum_{i=1}^N y_i \pi_i.
If this is a simple random sample we'll have $\pi_i = \frac nN$ so $\hat y$ is unbiased, but even if $\hat y$ is biased it isn't due to the lack of independence between the $Z_i$ but rather due to some units having too much or too little probability associated with them (this could be fixed with weighting, like with Horvitz-Thompson estimation).
To get the variance of this estimator I'll use $\y = (y_1,\dots,y_N)^T$ and $\Z = (Z_1,\dots,Z_N)^T$ so $\hat y = \frac 1n \y^T\Z$ and
\text{Var}(\hat y) = \frac 1{n^2}\y^T\text{Var}(Z)\y.
\text{Var}(Z_i) = \text{E}(Z_i^2)- \text{E}(Z_i)^2 = \pi_i(1-\pi_i)
\text{Cov}(Z_i,Z_j) = \pi_{ij} - \pi_i\pi_j
so now the dependence matters.
If the samples are taken independently then $\pi_{ij} - \pi_i\pi_j = 0$ so the covariance matrix of $\Z$ is diagonal and
\text{Var}(\hat y) = \frac 1{n^2}\sum_i y_i^2 \pi_i(1-\pi_i).
If this was a simple random sample (SRS) with replacement then we'd be in this situation with $\pi_i = \frac nN$ so
\text{Var}(\hat y) = \frac 1n\left(1-\frac nN\right)\y^T\y.
Suppose now that this is a simple random sample without replacement. That means we'll still have $\pi_i = \frac nN$ but now
\pi_{ij} = \frac{n-1}{N-1}\frac nN.
Note that the larger $n$ and $N$ are the closer this is to $0$, and as $N\to\infty$ the samples are closer and closer to independence too.
Plugging these values in and rearranging a little,
\text{Var}(\Z)_{ij} = \begin{cases} \frac nN\left(1 - \frac nN\right) & i = j \\
-\frac{1}{N-1}\frac nN\left(1 - \frac nN\right) & i\neq j\end{cases}.
This means
\text{Var}(\hat y) = \frac 1{nN}\left(1 - \frac nN\right) \y^T\left(\frac{N}{N-1}I - \frac 1{N-1}\mathbf 1 \mathbf 1^T\right)\y \\
= \frac 1n\left(1 - \frac nN\right) \cdot \frac 1{N-1}\y^T\left(I - \frac 1{N}\mathbf 1 \mathbf 1^T\right)\y \\
= \frac 1n\left(1 - \frac nN\right) S^2
since $\frac 1{N-1}\y^T\left(I - \frac 1N\mathbf 1\mathbf 1^T\right)\y$ can be recognized as the quadratic form of the sample variance.
One key feature of this is that the smaller $1 - \frac nN$ is, the closer this will be to what we'd have if this was an infinite population. This reflects the independence decreasing as there are more and more units. $1 - \frac nN$ shrinks the variance due to exhausting the population, but the dependence incorporated in the $\pi_{ij}$ further shrinks the variance, which makes sense since the more coupled the observations are the less variability there will be. The term $1 - \frac nN$ is often called the finite population correction (FPC) and this also shows why.
This equips you to answer your question: the 10% is about the FPC so it's getting at this idea, that if we aren't exhausting too much of the population then we'll be closer to independent.