Finding an exactly unbiased estimator is probably impossible, so a practical solution is bootstrapping. I will here show nonparametric bootstrap, but small modification give a parametric bootstrap. So we assume the data is a sample from the distribution $F$, and the interest parameter is a function of $F$, $t(F)$. In your case $\theta=t(F) =\max(\mu_X,\mu_Y)$. This is estimated by the plug-in estimate $\hat{\theta}=\max(\bar{X}, \bar{Y})$. The bias of this estimator is
$$ \DeclareMathOperator{\b}{bias} \DeclareMathOperator{\bh}{\hat{bias}} \DeclareMathOperator{\E}{\mathbb{E}}
\b_F(\hat{\theta},\theta)=\E_F t(X,Y) - t(F)
$$ which we can estimate under bootstrapping by
\bh_{\hat{F}} =\E_{\hat{F}} t(X^*,Y^*) -t(\hat{F}) =\frac1B \sum_i^B t(X_i^*,Y_i^*) -\hat{\theta}
where $B$ is the number of bootstrap resamples, and superscript $^*$ signifies a bootstrap resample. We can do this in R:
sigma <-3
mu1 <- 0
mu2 <- 0.67
n1 <- n2 <- 20
set.seed(7*11*13) # My public seed
# Simulate some observed data:
x1 <- rnorm(n1, mu1, sigma)
x2 <- rnorm(n2, mu2, sigma)
mu1_hat <- mean(x1)
mu2_hat <- mean(x2)
max_hat <- max(mu1_hat, mu2_hat)
### then for the bootstrapping
B <- 2000
myboot <- function(x1, x2, B) {
max_hat <- max(mean(x1), mean(x2))
# Then B bootstrap samples
boots <- numeric(length=B)
n1 <- length(x1) ; n2 <- length(x2)
for (i in seq_along(boots)) {
boots[i] <- max(mean(sample(x1, n1, replace=TRUE)),
mean(sample(x2, n2, replace=TRUE)))
bias_hat <- mean(boots) - max_hat
return(list(mu1_hat=mean(x1), mu2_hat=mean(x2),
max_hat=max_hat, bias_hat = bias_hat, boots=boots))
res <- myboot(x1, x2, B)
[1] -0.007525858
[1] 0.8717599
[1] 0.8717599
[1] 0.1455065
We can observe the skewness in the bootstrap distribution:
Here are some papers that treats a generalized version of the problem: this and this one, both papers uses multi-stage sampling.
In a comment I mentioned the jackknife as a possible solution. That does actually not work in this example, at least not the standard jackknife using leave-one-out, it would need some adapted jackknife leaving out more points, and is probably not worth the trouble. But it is interesting to think about why it does not work! As a help to that, I offer this example, continuing the example above:
xdata <- cbind(c(x1, x2), rep(1:2, c(n1, n2)))
theta <- function(x, xdata) {
max(tapply(xdata[x, 1], xdata[x, 2], mean))
jackknife(1:(n1+n2), theta, xdata)
[1] 0.8787011
[1] 0
[1] 0.8717599 0.8717599 0.8717599 0.8717599 0.8717599 0.8717599 0.8717599
[8] 0.8717599 0.8717599 0.8717599 0.8717599 0.8717599 0.8717599 0.8717599
[15] 0.8717599 0.8717599 0.8717599 0.8717599 0.8717599 0.8717599 0.8921795
[22] 0.8671260 0.6355972 0.7516054 0.7971055 0.9763174 1.1825116 0.8518249
[29] 0.9742421 1.1263595 0.8067769 0.8461670 0.9041567 0.5017359 1.1859780
[36] 0.6198090 0.5474274 0.9121232 1.2174494 0.8387057