After executing the code
RNGkind(kind="Mersenne-Twister") # the default anyway
n = 10^5
x = runif(n)
print(x[22662] == x[97974])
is output!
If I use, e.g., RNGkind(kind="Knuth-TAOCP-2002")
similarly happens: I get "only" 99 995 different values in x
. Given the periods of both random generators, the results seem highly unlikely.
Am I doing something wrong? I need to generate at least one million random numbers.
I am using Windows 8.1 with R version 3.6.2; Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) and RStudio 1.2.5033.
Additional findings:
- Having a bag with $n$ different balls, we choose a ball $m$ times and put it back every time. The probability $p_{n, m}$ that all chosen balls are different is equal to ${n\choose m} / (n^m m!)$.
- R documentation points to a link where the implementation of Mersenne-Twister for 64-bit machines is available:
The uniform sampling from $[0, 1]$ interval is obtained via choosing a random 64-bit integer first, so I computed the above probabilities for the 64-bit and (when $p_{2^{64}, 10^5}$ turned out to be rather low) 32-bit case: $$ p_{2^{64}, 10^5}\doteq 0.9999999999972... \qquad p_{2^{32}, 10^5} \doteq 0.3121... $$
Then, I tried 1000 random seeds and compute the proportion of the cases when all generated numbers are different: 0.303.
So, currently, I assume that for some reason, 32-bit integers are actually used.