
I want to test for an association between a continuous DV and a dichotomous IV (that has, nevertheless, an underlying continuum in it). However, my data are not normally distributed, so I was considering running a bootstrapped analysis. I have seen a couple of papers, however, suggesting that bootstrapping is not optimal for independent samples t test.

The group sizes are not equivalent (N=30, N=19) and homogeneity of variances was not met. So, for differences between groups on a continuous DV, I have conducted both Mann Whitney U for differences in mean ranks (U = 476, z = 3.934, p < .001 with an effect size of r = 0.562.) and Bootstrapped Welch t-test (Mean difference 18.065, BCa CIs [10.3, 25.86], t(29.411)=4.46, p=.001, an effect size of r=.635). To me, both analysis corroborate each other, although the interpretations that can be drawn are not exactly the same for parametric and non-parametric tests. However, the effect size for bootstrapped t-test is higher. I have also run a bootstrapped biserial correlation (rb=.73, BCa95% CIs [.403, .925], p<.001) between the variables since there is an underlying continuum in the dichotomous variable that a test for group differences ignores. Here, however, I am a bit wary of the result since the upper BCa CI reaches r=.925 which is nearly a perfect correlation.

Which one would be a better estimate?


1 Answer 1


I have not seen papers deprecating the use of bootstrapping for 2-sample tests. However, among re-sampling methods, I prefer to use a 2-sample permutation test when unsure of the normality assumption. When also unsure of homoscedasticity, I would use the Welch t statistic as the metric of the permutation test. [Do you have references about not using bootstrapped 2-sample t tests? I'm always happy to have my preferences backed up by facts.]

However, your comparison of the behavior of several different tests makes the point that your bootstrapped 2-sample t test does give reasonable results for your data. Questions remain whether for sample sizes 30 and 19, sample means are close enough to normal that a straightforward Welch would give valid results. (Of course, the usual caveat applies that one should not do several different tests for the purpose of picking the test with the smallest P-value.)

I don't have your data at hand, so I can't add a permutation test to your list of tests for direct comparison. But I can show results of a permutation test for data that may be somewhat similar to yours for purposes of illustration. (In R, sample without additional parameters permutes its argument.)

x1 = round(rgamma(30, 5, .1),2)   # mean 50
x2 = round(rgamma(20, 6, .08),2)  # mean 75
x = c(x1,x2);  g = rep(1:2, c(30,20))
t.test(x ~ g)$p.val
[1] 0.0109518
t.obs=t.test(x ~ g)$stat;  t.obs

Boxplots of the two samples are shown below. Nonoverlapping notches, based on a nonparametric test, suggest that population locations differ. The wider box corresponds to the larger sample. Shapiro-Wilk tests show that x2 is not consistent with sampling from a normal population, but the normal null hypothesis is rejected for x1 with a tiny P-value.

boxplot(x~g, var=TRUE, notch=TRUE, col="skyblue2", pch=10)

enter image description here

We see that the P-value of the Welch t test and the the P-value of the two-sample test that uses the Welch t statistic as metric are essentially the same. This suggests that the two sample means are sufficiently close to normally distributed not to ruin the P-value of the Welch test.

t.prm = replicate(10^5, t.test(x~sample(g))$stat)
mean(abs(t.prm) > abs(t.obs))
[1] 0.00963  # P-value of permutation test

The permutation test has the advantage that the exact permutation distribution could, in principle, be derived using combinatorial methods. (For example, the most negative value of the permuted t statistic occurs when the largest 30 of the 50 observations are randomized to the first group.) The simulation procedure generates enough random values from the true permutation distribution of Welch's $T$ to give a useful P-value.

hist(t.prm, prob=TRUE, col="skyblue2", 
     main="Permutation Dist'n of Welch T")
  abline(v=c(t.obs, -t.obs), 
         col="red", lty="dotted", lwd=2) 

enter image description here

Note: The R code for the permutation test 'steals' the Welch t statistic (witn $-notation) for each permutation of 50 samples into respective groups of 30 and 20. Because t.test computes quantities not directly uses for the permutation test, the program runs more slowly than would if optimally programmed. Other than laziness, the method with $ ensures that I am using exactly the version of the Welch test implemented in R.)

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @kjetilbhalvorsen. Thanks for this edit in particular and also for all your edits to improve Q & As on the site. $\endgroup$
    – BruceET
    Commented Oct 20, 2021 at 16:58

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