Someone reccomended me to use GLMM instead of GLM for the data I used for the manuscript.
My data corresponds to transects in which I have counts of individuals of a species in several points along those transects and i wanted to relate those counts to environmental variables. They reccommended me to use the total number of individuals of the transect as a random effect. Something similar to this: glmer(Number of individuals in one plot ~ elevation + aspect +(1 | Number of individuals of the whole transect), family = poisson, data=data).
The problem is that if I use the Number of individuals of the whole transect as a continuous variable, R studio says in its summary that there are 36 groups. If I correctly understood, these means that the data contains for that variable 36 possible different numbers. I'm not sure if the program is considering it as a categorical variable.
That is why I thought in transforming the variable to categorical. I divided the maximum number of individuals of the whole transect (111) by three, to obtain three categories, Low, Medium and High, if the values were under 37, between 37 and 74 or >74 respectively. In this case, the summary says there are only 3 groups.
The question is: can I just use the continuous data despite the summary says there are 36 groups? Is it not considering it as categorical variable in that case? If so, Is the conversion I did to a categorical variable correct?