I want to find an answer for the following question: "Air pollution causes people to move to less polluted cities from 1990 to 1991"?
Assume there are four cities: San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York. And their respective air pollution levels are 0, 1, 2, 100. I have data for 1000 people and the data look like this: if a person lived in Sand Diego in 1990 and in Los Angeles in 1991, Pollution1990 will be 0 and Pollution1991 will be 1.
PersonID City1990 City1991 Pollution1990 Pollution1991
1 SD LA 0 1
I thought about checking the following model:
reg Pollution1991 Pollution1990 controls, nocons
and if coefficient is smaller than 1, then I thought I could conclude that people are moving to less-polluted cities.
But then I found that
reg Pollution1990 Pollution1991 controls, nocons
also gives me coefficient smaller than 1. This was strange.
So how can I answer the question "Air pollution causes people to move to less polluted cities from 1990 to 1991"?
Is this even possible to test? Is there a regression towards the mean trap?