I'm trying to fit a two-class logistic model, using many many features. When inspecting one of the features, I binned it so I could inspect its behavior. In each bin I count the number of 'good class' occurrences, and divide by total number occurrences. I see that in the upper bins, there's a higher probability for a 'good class'.
For this kind of functional form to enter the model, I would have to add higher-order terms [for instance, by using natural splines]; and this, I'm afraid, would cause my model to over fit.
So, I thought I could 'help' the regression by explicitly dividing the variable into a few different intervals; the knots would be based on so-called 'eye-balling'. Thus, in each interval the variable could have a different linear coefficient [or I could even make it a fixed number by making the variable categorical].
I hope I've made myself clear, and sorry for the non-mathematical explanation - I'm just trying to make my point clear as possible. Thanks for the help!