I am having trouble moving forward with my Data analysis. I found a similar question (Residual vs Fitted) but (unless I am overthinking it) it does not apply to my issue since my data is not discrete data.
In short: I have 5 tags (each with 36 replicates), each of which were placed out in the field in 3 separate plots for a month and assessed at one week, two week and 4 week timepoints:
Ex Data:
Tag# Plot# Mortality Timepoint
1 1 5 1
2 1 0 1
3 1 98 1
1 2 100 2
2 2 20 2
1 1 80 3
2 1 0 3
The Model I ran was :
model5 = lmer(Mortality ~ Tag + (1|Plot) + (1|Timepoint), data=Dataset)
This was the best model after comparing a couple others, with less random effects and no random effects, AIC values. My dependent variable is Mortality with Tag as my main independent variable.
This is the residual vs fit graph I get:
And the QQ Plot:
From my understanding the Resid vs Fitted violates the assumptions of linear regression. From there I do now know what to do. I tried a couple transformations but they did not help. Does anyone have any suggestions for what model would be best to run?