I am currently taking Andrew Ng's Deep Learning Course on coursera and I couldn't get my head around how actually back-propagation in calculated.
Let's say my fully connected neural network looks like this:
Notation I will be using:
X = Matrix of inputs with each row as a single example,
Y = output matrix,
L = Total Number of layers = 3,
W = weight matrix of a layer. eg: $W^{[2]}$ is weight matrix of layer 2,
b = bias of a layer. eg: $b^{[2]}$ is bias of layer 2,
Z = Linear function of a layer. eg: $Z^{[2]}$ is linear output of layer 2,
A = Post-activation output of a layer. $A^{[2]}$ is Activation of layer 2,
$^{T}$ = transpose of a matrix. eg: if $A$ is a matrix, $A^{T}$ is transpose of this matrix,
and Loss = Loss after a Gradient Descent Iteration,
sigma = mathematical sigma used for summation,
relu = relu activation function,
$\sigma$= sigmoid activation function,
. = matrix multiplication and * = element-wise multiplication of a matrix.
So, during Forward Propagation, calculations will be:
at first layer:
$Z^{[1]} = W^{[1]} . X + b^{[1]}$
$A^{[1]} = relu(Z^{[1]})$
at second layer:
$Z^{[2]} = W^{[2]} . A^{[1]} + b^{[2]}$
$A^{[2]} = relu(Z^{[2]})$
at third and output layer:
$Z^{[3]} = W^{[3]} . A^{[2]} + b^{[3]}$
$A^{[3]} = \sigma(Z^{[3]})$
Now the back-propagation (this is where my confusion starts and I may have got these equations wrong, so, correct me if I am wrong):
at third and output layer:
$\frac{\partial A}{\partial L} = -(\frac{Y}{A^{[3]}} - \frac{1-Y}{A^{[3]}})$
this should be done:
$\frac{\partial A}{\partial L} = \hat{Y} - Y$, where $\hat{Y}$ is output Y and $Y$ is true Y.
Or some form of cost measure should be used.
let's call $\frac{\partial A}{\partial L}$, $\partial AL$
$\partial Z^{[3]} = \sigma(\partial AL)$
$\partial W^{[3]} = 1/m * (\partial Z^{[3]} . \partial AL^{T})$
$\partial b^{[3]} = 1/m * \sum(\partial Z^{[3]})$
$\partial A^{[2]} = W^{[3]T} . \partial Z^{[3]})$
at second layer:
$\partial Z^{[2]} = relu(\partial A^{[2]})$
$\partial W^{[2]} = 1/m * (\partial Z^{[2]} . \partial A^{[2]T})$
$\partial b^{[2]} = 1/m * \sum(\partial Z^{[2]})$
$\partial A^{[1]} = 1/m * (\partial Z^{[2]} . \partial A^{[2]T})$
at first layer:
$\partial Z^{[1]} = relu(\partial A^{[1]})$
$\partial W^{[1]} = 1/m * (\partial Z^{[1]} . \partial A^{[1]T})$
$\partial b^{[1]} = 1/m * \sum(\partial Z^{[1]})$
$\partial A^{[0]} = 1/m * (\partial Z^{[1]} . \partial A^{[1]T})$
then based on the optimiser, weights will be updated. and then the forward-pass, loss-calcualtion, backward-pass, updating weights and son on.
And now we use $\partial W$ and $\partial b$ at a respective layer to update weights and bias at that layer. That completes a Gradient Descent iteration. Where am I wrong and what have I missed? It would be really helpful if you shed some light and help me understand calculations that take place in each iteration of back-propagation.