After a cluster analysis I´m trying to plot for each cluster the Index plot of the Silhouette value instead of for the complete dataset (like in the WeightedCluster Library Manual by Matthias Studer). First of all, is that theoretically correct? If yes...
I create the object "sil" with the wcSilhouetteObs command:
sil <- wcSilhouetteObs(distance.matrix, cluster.object)
Then I plot the Index Plot for the complete dataset (this line works, even if I can´t label the clusters, but for now I don´t care):
seqIplot(, group = group.p(cluster.object), sortv = sil)
But when I try to plot the Index plot sorted by the silhouette I don´t know (but as I said I´m not sure that it´s theoretically correct...) how to impose the restriction for the group argument selecting only the silhouette values e.g. for the first cluster.I have created a sequence object for each cluster separately (let´s say cluster1.seq
), but what should I do then?
Thank you! Emanuela