I modelled eight lmer
models via the lme4
First, I compared the models via a likelihood ratio test yielding this:
npar AIC BIC logLik deviance Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq) baselinemodel 4 63313 63338 -31652 63305 mod1 5 63313 63344 -31651 63303 2.0226 1 0.15497 mod2 6 63232 63270 -31610 63220 82.5963 1 < 2.2e-16 *** mod3 7 63185 63229 -31586 63171 49.0685 1 2.472e-12 *** mod4 8 63186 63237 -31585 63170 0.7713 1 0.37981 mod5 9 63188 63244 -31585 63170 0.3639 1 0.54632 mod6 10 63186 63249 -31583 63166 3.4708 1 0.06246 . mod7 11 63188 63257 -31583 63166 0.3997 1 0.52722
Then, I bootstrapped the lrt values using this kind of code:
b1 <- bootMer(baselinemodel,
FUN = function(x) as.numeric(logLik(x)),
nsim = 1000)
b2 <- bootMer(mod1,
FUN = function(x) as.numeric(logLik(x)),
nsim = 1000)
# Observed Likelihood-Ratio
lrt <- as.numeric(-2 * logLik(baselinemodel3) + 2 * logLik(stimM4))
# 1000 bootstrap Likelihood-Ratios
lrt.b <- -2 * b1$t + 2 * b2$t
# 95% CI
qu <- quantile(lrt.b, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))
so far so good. This is what the lrt test gives me, too.
But comparing the other models I get these CIs:
# mod1 vs mod2
# 2.5% 97.5%
# -169.3204 323.8374
# -> mod 2 not better than mod1
# mod 2 vs. mod3
# 2.5% 97.5%
# 46.37453 54.53090
# -> mod3. better than mod 2
# mod3 vs. mod4
# 2.5% 97.5%
# 0.7715048 5.9623860
# -> mod4 better than mod 3
# mod4 vs mod5
# 2.5% 97.5%
# 0.3611693 5.7582975
# -> mod5 better than mod4
# mod 5 vs. mod6
# 2.5% 97.5%
# 3.471502 8.316651
# -> mod6 better than mod5
# mod 5 vs mod6
# 2.5% 97.5%
#0.4005908 5.2964914
# -> mod6 better than mod5
# mod 6 vs mod7
# 2.5% 97.5%
# -238.5510 255.8117
# -> mod7 better than mod6
So, according to the lrt test: mod2 > mod1 mod3 > mod2
But, according to the bootstrapped lrt values: mod3> mod2 mod4> mod3 mod5> mod4 mod6> mod5 mod7> mod6
How is this possible? 1. Is it because I got this warning with every bootstrap: "2 warning(s): Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00229957 (tol = 0.002, component 1) (and others)"? 2. Or did I do something wrong?
btw. descriptive data and theory says that mod2> mod1 (which I did not find w/ bootstrapping)
Thanks in advance!!
I adapted ping`s code
boot01 <- numeric(100)
for(i in 1:100){
rmath <- unlist(simulate(baselinemodel))
bmod <- refit(mod1, rmath)
smod <- refit(baelinemodel, rmath)
boot01[i] <- 2*(logLik(bmod)-logLik(smod))
pvalue01 <- mean(boot01 > lr01)
# 0.011
boot12 <- numeric(1000)
for(i in 1:1000){
rmath <- unlist(simulate(mod1))
bmod <- refit(mod2, rmath)
smod <- refit(mod1, rmath)
boot12[i] <- 2*(logLik(bmod)-logLik(smod))
pvalue12 <- mean(boot12 > lr12)
# 0
boot23 <- numeric(100)
for(i in 1:100){
rmath <- unlist(simulate(mod2))
bmod <- refit(mod3, rmath)
smod <- refit(mod2, rmath)
boot23[i] <- 2*(logLik(bmod)-logLik(smod))
pvalue23 <- mean(boot23 > lr23)
# 0
According to this code none of my models is significant. Why?
Edit 2:
I fitted the models without REML= FALSE (with ML) and the results corresponded to my lrt-test. But this is still wrong because I am not resampling from the same distribution... or is set.seed(123) accounting for that?