Here is my solution with R using your attached dataframes df1
and df2
#> Attache Paket: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
# Dataframes:
df1 <- data.frame(ID = c(16091071, 16091086, 16091147, 16091154, 16091227, 16091236),
Mean = c(0.1551044586, 0.1528095541, 0.3395656051, 0.2788547771,
0.250456051, 0.2776751592),
Standard_deviation = c(0.0120334914, 0.0125274201, 0.0186907447,
0.017261902, 0.0176726877, 0.0175430484)
df2 <- data.frame(ID = c(16091071, 16091086, 16091147, 16091154, 16091227, 16091236),
Mean = c(0.0999431847, 0.3864509554, 0.3864509554, 0.0999431847,
0.0999431847, 0.0999431847),
Standard_deviation = c(0.0106193089, 0.0181384583, 0.0181384583,
0.0106193089, 0.0106193089, 0.0106193089)
# Merging:
df_all <- dplyr::left_join(df1, df2, by = "ID")
# Function to perform t.test for given means and standard deviations:
# mean_x: mean of sample x
# mean_y: mean of sample y
# sd_x: standard deviation of sample x
# sd_y: standard deviation of sample y
# n_x: sample size of sample x
# n_y: sample size of sample y
# mu: difference in means
# alpha: significance level; default is 0.05.. important for F Test of variance comparison.
t.test_new <- function(mean_x, mean_y, sd_x, sd_y, n_x, n_y, mu = 0, alpha = 0.05)
# test for equal variances:
F_test <- sd_x^2 / sd_y^2
F_crit <- qf(p = c(alpha / 2, 1 - alpha / 2), df1 = n_x - 1, df2 = n_y - 1)
if(dplyr::between(F_test, F_crit[1], F_crit[2])) var_equal <- TRUE else var_equal <- FALSE
if (var_equal) {
sd_test <- sqrt( (((n_x - 1) * sd_x^2 + (n_y - 1) * sd_y^2) / (n_x + n_y - 2)) * ((n_x + n_y) / (n_x * n_y)) )
dof <- n_x + n_y - 2
} else {
sd_test <- sqrt((sd_x^2 / n_x) + (sd_y^2 / n_y))
c_welch <- (sd_x^2 / n_x) / ((sd_x^2 / n_x) + (sd_y^2 / n_y))
dof <- 1 / ( (c_welch^2 / (n_x - 1)) + ((1 - c_welch)^2 / (n_y - 1)) )
t_test <- ((mean_x - mean_y) - mu) / sd_test
output <- c(
statistic = t_test,
parameter = dof,
p.value = 2 * pt(q = abs(t_test), df = dof, lower.tail = FALSE),
stderr = sd_test
test_mat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(df_all), FUN = function(i) {
t.test_new(mean_x = df_all[i, ]$Mean.x, mean_y = df_all[i, ]$Mean.y,
sd_x = df_all[i, ]$Standard_deviation.x,
sd_y = df_all[i, ]$Standard_deviation.y,
n_x = 157, n_y = 157
final_df <- dplyr::bind_cols(df_all,
#> ID Mean.x Standard_deviation.x Mean.y Standard_deviation.y
#> 1 16091071 0.1551045 0.01203349 0.09994318 0.01061931
#> 2 16091086 0.1528096 0.01252742 0.38645096 0.01813846
#> 3 16091147 0.3395656 0.01869074 0.38645096 0.01813846
#> 4 16091154 0.2788548 0.01726190 0.09994318 0.01061931
#> 5 16091227 0.2504561 0.01767269 0.09994318 0.01061931
#> 6 16091236 0.2776752 0.01754305 0.09994318 0.01061931
#> statistic parameter p.value stderr
#> 1 43.06580 312.0000 2.469975e-133 0.001280860
#> 2 -132.80314 277.2394 5.436359e-253 0.001759306
#> 3 -22.55594 312.0000 1.686821e-67 0.002078626
#> 4 110.61225 259.2849 3.304864e-220 0.001617466
#> 5 91.47052 255.6602 2.418289e-197 0.001645479
#> 6 108.59699 256.7911 1.257999e-216 0.001636620
Created on 2020-07-07 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)