I want to implement a serial mediation with 3 mediators in R using the package lavaan.
I found a code for the serial mediation with 2 mediators in a posting here: Serial Mediation with 2 mediators
So basically I tried to extend the model I saw there. From
model <- "
M1 ~ a1 * X
M2 ~ a2 * X + d21 * M1
Y ~ cp * X + b1 * M1 + b2 * M2
ind_eff := a1 * d21 * b2
M1 ~ a*X
M2 ~ b*M1 + X
M3 ~ b*M1 + c*M2 + X
Y ~ d*M3 + c*M2 + M1 + e*X
#Defined Parameters:
ie := a*b*c*d
de := e
Does this model now reflect PROCESS Model 6 with 3 mediators?