
Suppose some researcher does a hypothesis test at a 10% significance level, and the conclusion is to reject $ H_0 $. Then the researcher does the exact same test again, on the exact same dataset, but just lowers the significance level to 5%, and keeps lowering it until the result changes. If it still returns to reject $ H_0 $, are there any issues whatsoever with saying "there is a (e.g.) ~1.5% probability of type I error", as if the first test at 10% was never conducted?

Has the power or otherwise reliability of the test been affected by lowering the significance value on the same dataset?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The lowest-possible significance level at which rejection can occur is the p-value (up to a factor of $2$ for two-tailed tests). And yes, what you propose is a problem, though the "why" warrants an answer instead of a comment. $\endgroup$
    – Dave
    Commented Jul 13, 2020 at 21:08
  • $\begingroup$ There's an issue with your characterization of a p-value as a "probability of type I error," because that is not what it is. At best the p-value is indirectly related to a hypothetical probability of a Type I error supposing the null hypothesis holds (along with many other attendant assumptions). Indeed, if--based on a small p-value--you decide to reject the null, you are flatly contradicting yourself by quoting a probability calculated on the assumption the null is true! $\endgroup$
    – whuber
    Commented Jul 13, 2020 at 21:37

1 Answer 1


This is a form of the Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy.

If you just report a p-value and let the reader decide if it is significant or not (or even if they want to declare significance or not) and don't make any objective decisions/declarations based on the p-value, then that is reasonable.

But when you indicate that the test was done at a specific significance level, say 5%, then you are saying that before collecting the data (before randomization) there was a 5% chance of declaring significance/rejecting the null hypothesis if in fact the null hypothesis is True. In your scenario, with a true null hypothesis a p-value of 0.09 would have lead to a declaration of significance, so the probability of rejecting when the null is true is 10%, to say that it was 1.5% is dishonest.


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