I'm doing research on image classification, and I don't understand the difference between Top-1 Accuracy
and Recall
. Are they the same?
I found a link here What is the definition of Top-n accuracy? that explains what top-n accuracy is, which is the total number of correct guesses divided by the total number of images.
But isn't that recall? Recall is defined as the number of correct guesses divided by the total number of images
Given these laymen's terms definitions:
`TP` = Making a correct guess
`TN` = Not making a wrong guess
`FP` = Guessing the wrong class
`FN` = Missing the correct class
`FP` + `TP` = total number of guesses
`FN` + `TP` = total number of images
Accuracy is defined as
(TN + TP) / (TN + TP + FN + FP)
Recall is defined as
TP / (FN + TP)
But Top-1 Accuracy is defined as
TP / (FN + TP)
where we only look at the 1st guess, ignoring others
Similarly Top-N Accuracy is defined as
TP / (FN + TP)
where we only look at the top N guesses, ignoring others
Have I misunderstood what Top-1 Accuracy is? Shouldn't Top-1 Accuracy be Accuracy
as it's defined (TN + TP) / (TN + TP + FN + FP)
? Otherwise it should be called Top-1 Recall
Is Recall
equal to Top-1 Accuracy
and Recall
is just a subset of Top-N Accuracy
where N
equals 1