I like the question.
One point before the explanation. In statistics, we use a capital letter $P$ for probability, as your prior. For probability densities a small letter $p$ is used.
The probability $P(photo \mid dog)$ assumes discrete input feature variables, associated with each photo. In image processing a 2-d image is represented as a grid of pixel values with $1$ intensity or $3$ colour intensity bands. It is most common to represent the pixel intensities (per band) as continuous distributions. In the one-band situation, $photo$ is an $r \times c$ matrix of pixel intensities. For convenience, $photo$ is mathematically often considered a vector. Its outcome is the pixel intensity distribution in the image, regardless of the spatial arrangement of the pixels. In the remaining answer the pixels are considered stochastic variables and their spatial arrangement is not taken into account.
Bayes rule
You can write Bayes rule as
P(dog \mid photo) =&
&\frac{p(photo \mid dog) P(dog)}{p(photo \mid dog) P(dog) + p(photo \mid \neg dog) P(\neg dog)}
in which
$P(dog)=1-P(\neg dog)$. Clearly $\neg dog = cat$ in your setup.
Here $p(photo \mid dog)$ is an $n$-dimensional probability density function. If $p(photo \mid dog)$ does follow a normal distribution, then it's an $n$-dimensional normal distribution with the density
p({\bf x}; {\bf \mu}, \Sigma) = & \\
&\frac{1}{(2\, \pi)^{n/2} |\Sigma \mid^{0.5}} \cdot \exp \left(- \frac{1}{2}({\bf x}-{\bf \mu})^T \, \Sigma^{-1} ({\bf x}-{\bf \mu}) \right)
where ${\bf x}$ and ${\bf \mu}$ are both vectors and $\Sigma$ the symmetric covariance matrix.
Of course many different kinds of continuous distributions appear in practice and so the normal distribution is often ill-suited as representation. You can instead use for example the nonparametric kernel densities to model $p(photo \mid dog)$ and $p(photo \mid cat)$, based on the values of your training set.
The distribution $P(dog)$ is in any case a mixture distribution. This mixture has more 'peaks'
p(photo) = p(photo \mid dog) P(dog) + p(photo \mid cat) P(cat)
In the situation where $p(photo \mid dog)$ and $p(photo \mid cat)$ are normal distributions, $p(photo)$ contains two 'peaks'. Note the two normal distributions can have very different variances. The 'widths' of the two distributions will then differ.
The fraction mentioned in the question above
\frac{P(photo \mid dog)}{P(photo)} = &
& \frac{P(photo \mid dog)}{p(photo \mid dog) P(dog) + p(photo \mid cat) P(cat)}
is a likelihood ratio, but not the one which is applied in probabilistic decision analysis. Note that the prior probabilities occur in the denominator, but not in the numerator of the previous formula.
Instead, the class-conditional likelihood ratio
\mathcal{L}\mathcal{R} = \frac{p(photo \mid dog)}{{p(photo \mid \neg \, dog)}}
is used in probabilistic decision analysis. The $\mathcal{L}\mathcal{R}$ is independent of the prior distribution. It expresses the odds of a specific 'photo' belonging to the two categories. In the case where the prior probabilities are equal, then
\frac{p(photo \mid dog)}{{p(photo \mid \neg \, dog)}} =&
&\frac{P(dog \mid photo )}{{P(\neg dog \mid photo )}}
In case of uneven priors, the prior probabilities $P(dog)$ and $P(\neg dog)$ form part of this equation as well.