Extra-binomial variation is defined in this Oxford Reference source:
Greater variability in repeat estimates of a population proportion than would be expected if the population had a binomial distribution. For example, suppose that $n$ observations are taken on independent Bernoulli variables that take the value $1$ with probability $p$, and the value $0$ with probability $1−p$. The mean of the total of the observations will be $np$ and the variance will be $np(1−p)$. However, if the probability varies from variable to variable, with overall mean $p$ as before, then the variance of the total will now be $\mathbf{>np(1−p)}$.
I do not follow this statement. Say we are comparing two variables:
$X \sim Bin(5, 0.5)$ (so $E(X) = np = 2.5$, and $var(X) = np(1-p) = 1.25$).
$Y = \sum_{i=1}^{5} Z_i$, where $Z_1, Z_2, Z_3, Z_4, Z_5$ are Bernoulli with probabilities $0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 0.7$ and $0.8$, respectively. The $Z_i$'s are independent of each other and of $X$.
So $E(X) = 2.5 = E(Y)$, and the condition in the reference is met ("the probability varies from variable to variable, with overall mean $p$ as before").
Then: $$var(Y) = \sum_{i=1}^5 var(Z_i) = \sum_{i=1}^5 p_i(1-p_i)$$ $$= 0.1(1-0.1) + 0.3(1-0.3) + 0.6(1-0.6) + 0.7(1-0.7) + 0.8(1-0.8) = 0.91$$
So $var(X) = 1.25$, $var(Y) = 0.91$, and $var(Y) < np(1-p) = var(X)$, counter to the last line of the quoted reference. Am I correct in pointing out that the reference is wrong, or have I made a mistake somewhere?