In this setting, objects (which I will index with $i=1,2,\ldots$) are turned into strings of bits by emitting a string $x_i$ of length $b_i$ for object $i.$ In this way a random sequence of these objects becomes a binary message.
Decoding the message (to determine what the original sequence of messages was) is tantamount to traversing a binary tree: starting at its root, move to the left child when encountering a $0$ or move to the right child when encountering a $1.$ The string $x_i$ will lead you to the corresponding node in this tree, which is thereby labeled with $i.$ Thus, whenever you encounter a label you know the input was $x_i$ and you can jump back to the root to resume decoding the string generated by the next object.
After descending through $b_i \gt 0$ children in this tree traversal you will have determined one of the $2^{b_i}$ possible paths to that depth. Thus, applying the label $i$ to the node you're on effectively will remove a proportion $2^{-b_i}$ of the tree, making it unavailable for use in decoding any other object. Since the total proportion cannot exceed $1,$ we see
$$1\ \ge\ \sum_{i} 2^{-b_i} = g(\mathbf{b}),\tag{1}$$
where $\mathbf{b}$ is the vector $(b_i) = (b_1, b_2, \ldots).$
This is the key observation (and it provides excellent intuition). The rest is routine. I will sketch the analysis.
Let the chance of object $i$ appearing in the input be $p_i \gt 0.$ Define the random variable $B$ to be the number of bits used for this object, $B(i) = b_i.$ We would like to minimize its expectation,
$$E[B] = \sum_{i} p_i b_i = f(\mathbf{b}).\tag{2}$$
The method of Lagrange Multipliers will find the best positive real numbers $b_i$ that minimize $(2)$ subject to the constraint $(1).$ The critical points--candidates for the global minimum--occur when the derivative of the objective function is parallel to the derivative of the constraint; that is, there must be some number $\lambda$ for which
$$-\log(2) \left(2^{-b_i}\right) = \lambda \nabla g(\mathbf{b}) = \nabla f(\mathbf{b}) = \left(p_i\right).$$
It is immediate that at the optimum, the $b_i$ must be proportional to $\log_2{p_i}.$ That, together with the constraint $(1),$ readily leads to the conclusion that the expectation $(2)$ cannot be any less than the entropy.