My question is do we need to standardize the data set to make sure all variables have the same scale, between [0,1], before fitting logistic regression. The formula is:
My data set has 2 variables, they describe the same thing for two channels, but the volume is different. Say it's the number of customer visits in two stores, y here is whether a customer purchases. Because a customer can visit both stores, or twice first store, once second store before he makes a purchase. but the total number of customer visits for 1st store is 10 times larger than the second store. When I fit this logistic regression, without standardization, coef(store1)=37, coef(store2)=13
; if I standardize the data, then coef(store1)=133, coef(store2)=11
. Something like this. Which approach makes more sense?
What if I am fitting a decision tree model? I know tree structure models don't need standardization since the model itself will adjust it somehow. But checking with all of you.
changes. So you need to chooseC
after standardising the data. $\endgroup$