I am trying to use non-parametric bootstrap methods to get confidence intervals for a multi-step estimator that combines multiple variables:
$\hat\theta = \sqrt{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} {\left(\sum\limits_{t=1}^{m}|\overline{X_{i,t}} - \overline{Y_{i,t}}|\right)}^2}$
I find a bootstrapped distribution $\hat\theta^\ast_b$ by resampling each $X_{i,t}$ and $Y_{i,t}$ independently 10,000 times.
Since $|\overline{X_{i,t}} - \overline{Y_{i,t}}|$ is already a biased estimator, the bootstrap distributions at this stage (orange in the figure below) are already systematically positively biased relative to the estimated $|\overline{X_{i,t}} - \overline{Y_{i,t}}|$ (blue line in the figure below), especially when $|\overline{X_{i,t}} - \overline{Y_{i,t}}|$ is small:
The vector norm operation then compounds these biases. The result is that $\hat\theta$ (green line in the plot below) sometimes falls completely outside of the bootstrapped distribution $\hat\theta^\ast_b$ (red in the plot below).
I understand that BCa (bias corrected and accelerated) bootstrap is a preferred method for generating confidence intervals in the presence of bias and skew. However, this is problematic here, since $z_0 = -\inf$ when all $\hat\theta^\ast_b > \hat\theta$.
Thus my questions are:
Would it be valid to use bootstrap bias estimation to adjust for estimated bias by reporting $\tilde\theta$, where $\tilde\theta = 2\times{\hat\theta} - \bar{\hat\theta^\ast}$, and reporting percentile confidence intervals by re-centering $\hat\theta^\ast_b$ around $\tilde\theta$?
Should such bias correction be applied to each $|\overline{X_{i,t}} - \overline{Y_{i,t}}|$ before combining them?
If all I am interested in is relative values of $\hat\theta$ under different conditions, should I just report the means of the bootstrapped distributions, $\overline{\hat\theta^\ast}$ with percentile confidence intervals?
Is it even valid to use non-parametric bootstrap methods in this case?
Thanks very much for your consideration.