It might be useful to consider Cohen's $\kappa$ in the context of inter-rater-agreement. Suppose you have two raters individually assigning the same set of objects to the same categories. You can then ask for overall agreement by dividing the sum of the diagonal of the confusion matrix by the total sum. But this does not take into account that the two raters will also, to some extent, agree by chance. $\kappa$ is supposed to be a chance-corrected measure conditional on the baseline frequencies with which the raters use the categories (marginal sums).
The expected frequency of each cell under the assumption of independence given the marginal sums is then calculated just like in the $\chi^2$ test - this is equivalent to Witten & Frank's description (see mbq's answer). For chance-agreement, we only need the diagonal cells. In R
# generate the given data
> lvls <- factor(1:3, labels=letters[1:3])
> rtr1 <- rep(lvls, c(100, 60, 40))
> rtr2 <- rep(rep(lvls, nlevels(lvls)), c(88,10,2, 14,40,6, 18,10,12))
> cTab <- table(rtr1, rtr2)
> addmargins(cTab)
rtr1 a b c Sum
a 88 10 2 100
b 14 40 6 60
c 18 10 12 40
Sum 120 60 20 200
> library(irr) # for kappa2()
> kappa2(cbind(rtr1, rtr2))
Cohen's Kappa for 2 Raters (Weights: unweighted)
Subjects = 200
Raters = 2
Kappa = 0.492
z = 9.46
p-value = 0
# observed frequency of agreement (diagonal cells)
> fObs <- sum(diag(cTab)) / sum(cTab)
# frequency of agreement expected by chance (like chi^2)
> fExp <- sum(rowSums(cTab) * colSums(cTab)) / sum(cTab)^2
> (fObs-fExp) / (1-fExp) # Cohen's kappa
[1] 0.4915254
Note that $\kappa$ is not universally accepted at doing a good job, see, e.g., here, or here, or the literature cited in the Wikipedia article.