In this link (, the author derives the conditional distributions from the joint; but I got lost in the mechanics of what happened, the process was overly simplified. The topic of the video was on Gibbs Sampling, the derivation of full conditionals was not the subject but a supporting part of the video.
When I try to prove that his conditional distributions are accurate and I write the full joint PDF, divided a single variable PDF, I get a messy equation that is not easy to simplify.
$$\theta ~ N_2\left(\mu= \begin{bmatrix} 0\\0\end{bmatrix}, cov = \begin{bmatrix}1 &0.9 \\ 0.9 & 1 \end{bmatrix}\right)$$ $$\theta_1|\theta_2 \sim N(\mu= 0.9\theta_2, \sigma= 1-0.9^2)$$ $$\theta_2|\theta_1 \sim N(\mu= 0.9\theta_1, \sigma=1-0.9^2)$$
Above is pretty much all he shows, but I'm completely lost on how we've gone from joint to conditional(s). Am I missing something obvious?
Is there a rule/process for deriving these conditional distributions (with Gibbs application in mind)?