The following answer is a bit boring but seems to be the only one to date that contains the genuinely exact answer! Normal approximation or simulation or even just crunching the exact answer numerically to a reasonable level of accuracy, which doesn't take long, are probably the better way to go - but if you want the "mathematical" way of getting the exact answer, then:
Let $X$ denote the sum of dots we see in $100$ die rolls, with probability mass function $p_X(x)$.
Let $Y$ denote the number of heads in $600$ coin flips, with probability mass function $p_Y(y)$.
We seek $P(X > Y) = P(X - Y > 0) = P(D > 0)$ where $D = X - Y$ is the difference between sum of dots and number of heads.
Let $Z = -Y$, with probability mass function $p_Z(z) = p_Y(-z)$. Then the difference $D = X - Y$ can be rewritten as a sum $D = X + Z$ which means, since $X$ and $Z$ are independent, we can find the probability mass function of $D$ by taking the discrete convolution of the PMFs of $X$ and $Z$:
$$p_D(d) = \Pr(X + Z = d) = \sum_{k =-\infty}^{\infty} \Pr(X = k \cap Z = d - k) = \sum_{k =-\infty}^{\infty} p_X(k) p_Z(d-k) $$
In practice the sum only needs to be done over values of $k$ for which the probabilities are non-zero, of course. The idea here is exactly what @IlmariKaronen has done, I just wanted to write up the mathematical basis for it.
Now I haven't said how to find the PMF of $X$, which is left as an exercise, but note that if $X_1, X_2, \dots, X_{100}$ are the number of dots on each of 100 independent dice rolls, each with discrete uniform PMFs on $\{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\}$, then $X = X_1 + X_2 + \dots + X_{100}$ and so...
# Store the PMFs of variables as dataframes with "value" and "prob" columns.
# Important the values are consecutive and ascending for consistency when convolving,
# so include intermediate values with probability 0 if needed!
# Function to check if dataframe conforms to above definition of PMF
# Use message_intro to explain what check is failing
is.pmf <- function(x, message_intro = "") {
if(! {stop(paste0(message_intro, "Not a dataframe"))}
if(!nrow(x) > 0) {stop(paste0(message_intro, "Dataframe has no rows"))}
if(!"value" %in% colnames(x)) {stop(paste0(message_intro, "No 'value' column"))}
if(!"prob" %in% colnames(x)) {stop(paste0(message_intro, "No 'prob' column"))}
if(!is.numeric(x$value)) {stop(paste0(message_intro, "'value' column not numeric"))}
if(!all(is.finite(x$value))) {stop(paste0(message_intro, "Does 'value' contain NA, Inf, NaN etc?"))}
if(!all(diff(x$value) == 1)) {stop(paste0(message_intro, "'value' not consecutive and ascending"))}
if(!is.numeric(x$prob)) {stop(paste0(message_intro, "'prob' column not numeric"))}
if(!all(is.finite(x$prob))) {stop(paste0(message_intro, "Does 'prob' contain NA, Inf, NaN etc?"))}
if(!all.equal(sum(x$prob), 1)) {stop(paste0(message_intro, "'prob' column does not sum to 1"))}
# Function to convolve PMFs of x and y
# Note that to convolve in R we need to reverse the second vector
# name1 and name2 are used in error reporting for the two inputs
convolve.pmf <- function(x, y, name1 = "x", name2 = "y") {
is.pmf(x, message_intro = paste0("Checking ", name1, " is valid PMF: "))
is.pmf(y, message_intro = paste0("Checking ", name2, " is valid PMF: "))
x_plus_y <- data.frame(
value = seq(from = min(x$value) + min(y$value),
to = max(x$value) + max(y$value),
by = 1),
prob = convolve(x$prob, rev(y$prob), type = "open")
# Let x_i be the score on individual dice throw i
# Note PMF of x_i is the same for each i=1 to i=100)
x_i <- data.frame(
value = 1:6,
prob = rep(1/6, 6)
# Let t_i be the total of x_1, x_2, ..., x_i
# We'll store the PMFs of t_1, t_2... in a list
t_i <- list()
t_i[[1]] <- x_i #t_1 is just x_1 so has same PMF
# PMF of t_i is convolution of PMFs of t_(i-1) and x_i
for (i in 2:100) {
t_i[[i]] <- convolve.pmf(t_i[[i-1]], x_i,
name1 = paste0("t_i[[", i-1, "]]"), name2 = "x_i")
# Let x be the sum of the scores of all 100 independent dice rolls
x <- t_i[[100]]
is.pmf(x, message_intro = "Checking x is valid PMF: ")
# Let y be the number of heads in 600 coin flips, so has Binomial(600, 0.5) distribution:
y <- data.frame(value = 0:600)
y$prob <- dbinom(y$value, size = 600, prob = 0.5)
is.pmf(y, message_intro = "Checking y is valid PMF: ")
# Let z be the negative of y (note we reverse the order to keep the values ascending)
z <- data.frame(value = -rev(y$value), prob = rev(y$prob))
is.pmf(z, message_intro = "Checking z is valid PMF: ")
# Let d be the difference, d = x - y = x + z
d <- convolve.pmf(x, z, name1 = "x", name2 = "z")
is.pmf(d, message_intro = "Checking d is valid PMF: ")
# Prob(X > Y) = Prob(D > 0)
sum(d[d$value > 0, "prob"])
# [1] 0.9907902
Try it online!
Not that it matters practically if you're just after reasonable accuracy, since the above code runs in a fraction of a second anyway, but there is a shortcut to do the convolutions for the sum of 100 independent identically distributed variables: since 100 = 64 + 32 + 4 when expressed as the sum of powers of 2, you can keep convolving your intermediate answers with themselves as much as possible. Writing the subtotals for the first $i$ dice rolls as $T_i = \sum_{k=1}^{k=i}X_k$ we can obtain the PMFs of $T_2 = X_1 + X_2$, $T_4 = T_2 + T_2'$ (where $T_2'$ is independent of $T_2$ but has the same PMF), and similarly $T_8 = T_4 + T_4'$, $T_{16} = T_8 + T_8'$, $T_{32} = T_{16} + T_{16}'$ and $T_{64} = T_{32} + T_{32}'$. We need two more convolutions to find the total score of all 100 dice as the sum of three independent variables, $X = T_{100} = ( T_{64} + T_{32}'' ) + T_4''$, and a final convolution for $D = X + Z$. So I think you only need nine convolutions in all - and for the final one, you can just restrict yourself to the parts of the convolution giving a positive value for $D$. Or if it's less hassle, the parts that give the non-positive values for $D$ and then take the complement. Provided you pick the most efficient way, I reckon that means your worst case is effectively eight-and-a-half convolutions. EDIT: and as @whuber suggests, this isn't necessarily optimal either!
Using the nine-convolution method I identified, with the gmp package so I could work with bigq
objects and writing a not-at-all-optimised loop to do the convolutions (since R's built-in method doesn't deal with bigq
inputs), it took just a couple of seconds to work out the exact simplified fraction:
which does indeed round to 0.9907902. Now for the exact answer, I wouldn't have wanted to do that with too many more convolutions, I could feel the gears of my laptop starting to creak!