My understanding of a truncated normal distribution $\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma;a,b)$ is that it results from scaling the values of a normal distribution within the bounds $[a; b]$ such that the area under the curve within these bounds becomes 1 (please correct me, if I'm wrong).
However, in a case where I want to describe a variable $z$ that results from a latent variable $y$ (with normally distributed noise $\sigma$) such that
$ z = \begin{cases} a & \text{if $y<a$}\\ b & \text{if $y>b$}\\ y & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $
.. the truncated normal distribution in the above form would not be an appropriate distribution for $z$. Indeed, as $\sigma$ increases, the pdf within $]a;b[$ should not be scaled such that the area under the curve is 1 (hence the title "without scaling"); rather, the probability that $z$ is exactly $a$ or exactly $b$ should increase.
Now let's say, I'm not interested in the density per se, but rather in computing the probability $p(x; \epsilon)$ that the true value of whatever $z$ is measuring is $x$ ($\pm \epsilon$). Assuming that I measured $z=\mu$ and that I know the measurement noise $\sigma$, then I think that $p(x; \epsilon)$ can be described as
$ p(x; \epsilon) = \begin{cases} \int\limits_{-\infty}^{a+\epsilon}\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma) & \text{if $x=a$}\\ \int\limits_{b-\epsilon}^{\infty}\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma) & \text{if $x=b$}\\ \int\limits_{x-\epsilon}^{x+\epsilon}\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma) & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $
- Is this correct?
- Is there a name for this form of $p(x;\epsilon)$ or even a name for the underlying probability density, which would seems like a special form of a truncated normal distribution? (-> would help researching on this)
- Are there other probability distributions that represent are able to represent a similar scenario as outlined above?