The main point of using a strategy like siamese loss or triplet loss is that you don't have to know all of your classes at training time -- you just want to use the classes that you do have at training time to create a representation that might succeed in the presence of new classes in the future. The way that these losses find a good representation is to compare distances: minimize distance between like classes, and separate unlike classes by some margin $m$.
Classification losses require you to know ahead of time exactly what all of your classes are, because a classifier assigns every point in the space of inputs to a class. You can't add a new class later, because all of the input space has already been assigned to a class.
A secondary point is that the difference between probability and distance is important. Distances aren't the same as probabilities. Probabilities are non-negative, and probabilities of mutually-exclusive events sum to 1. Distances are also non-negative, but are not constrained to be less than or equal to 1. Because the smallest distance is 0, sigmoid functions of distances are always 0.5 or larger: $\sigma(0)=\frac{1}{1 + \exp(-0)}=\frac{1}{2}$. This isn't particularly important from an optimization perspective, but it does mean that our intuition that the loss be minimized at 0 is not satisfied.