The strategy is to simulate the coefficients from the joint normal distribution of all parameters, including the $\phi$ parameter. The reason is that the coefficients for $\mu$ and $\phi$ are not orthogonal, i.e., depend on each other. After having obtained the full simulated parameter vector, you can than compute any quanity you want from the relevant subset of parameters.
I would recommend though to use a log-link for the $\phi$ in this case because the normal approximation will typically be much better on the log-scale because the parameters are unbounded. The easiest way to achieve that is to specify a two-part formula: perc_degr ~ time | 1
in your case, declaring that $\mu$ depends on time
but $\phi$ is constant. Moreover, I would encourage you to consider a model with varying $\phi$ though: perc_degr ~ time | time
where both parameters are allowed to change over time
As a worked example, consider the following illustration based on a (too) simple model for the ReadingSkills
data available in the package:
data("ReadingSkills", package = "betareg")
m <- betareg(accuracy ~ iq | 1, data = ReadingSkills)
Then we can simulate 10,000 draws from the full parameter vector (using mvtnorm
rather than MASS
cf <- rmvnorm(n = 10000, mean = coef(m), sigma = vcov(m))
And then we can compute any quantity we want. For example, we can compute the negative ratio of coefficients for $\mu$ and compare it with the quantity at the estimated coefficients:
hist(-cf[,1]/cf[,2], main = "")
abline(v = -coef(m)[1]/coef(m)[2], col = 2, lwd = 2)
In this particular model this plot looks rather bad because we have to extrapolate quite a bit. Hence I'm also showing another quantity which looks a bit more reasonable on this data set.
Let's also compute the predicted $\mu$ at regressor iq
set to -1, 0, and 1. So we set up a suitable 10,000 x 3 matrix and compute the predicted $\mu$ with the inverse link from the fitted model object:
x <- matrix(rep(c(-1, 0, 1), each = nrow(cf)), ncol = 3)
mu <- m$link$mean$linkinv(cf[,1] + cf[,2] * x)
mu0 <- predict(m, newdata = data.frame(iq = c(-1, 0, 1)), type = "response")
The fitted quantity from the original model is also added for comparison:
for(i in 1:3) {
hist(mu[, i], main = "", xlab = paste("x =", x[1,i]), xlim = c(0.5, 1))
abline(v = mu0[i], col = 2, lwd = 2)
this gives you the full coefficient vector, i.e., including the coefficients for both $\mu$ and $\phi$. And thevcov(betareg_model)
gives you the matching covariance matrix. Then you can simulate from the combined coefficient distribution and just compute those predictions you are interested in. So for yourth
you simply discard the simulated coefficient(s) for $\phi$. $\endgroup$perc ~ time
I'm only interested incoef(betareg_model)[1:2]
which I pass tomvrnorn
to get the distribution, right? $\endgroup$