I have a model that I'd really love to use glmmTMB
for (beta distribution, mixed model, heterogeneous variance that the dispersion equation can help with).
I found that the degrees of freedom for the emmeans
estimates and contrasts were nowhere near what I would expect (very large, ~380).
I ran a simpler model in lme
using the same overall structure and allowing for heterogenous variance with a logit transformation.
The degrees of freedom in the emmeans
estimates and contrasts were ~8.
I read that, for lme
, emmeans
uses a containment method to estimate the degrees of freedom which can result in underestimation of the degrees of freedom. (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/emmeans/vignettes/models.html)
I'm aware that I shouldn't be expecting the denominator degrees of freedom that I'd calculate using expected mean square rules and I'd like to know how emmeans
and glmmtmb
are figuring out the df.
I really just want to make sure that, on some level, the glmmTMB
model is still accounting for the fact that my experiment is split-plot or is longitudinal or has subsamples.
I also want to make sure that this information is being passed on to emmeans
- How exactly is
calculating the df from aglmmTMB
model? - Is it reasonable? Does it properly account for split-plots or sub-sampling?
- If not, would an acceptable workaround be to combine the df from an
model with the estimates and standard errors of a (more or less) correspondingglmmTMB
procedure? (http://bbolker.github.io/mixedmodels-misc/glmmFAQ.html#why-doesnt-lme4-display-denominator-degrees-of-freedomp-values-what-other-options-do-i-have)
Here is a worked example that shows the difference in degrees of freedom.
# lme (straight from Pinheiro and Bates page 47)
fm1Oats <- lme( yield ~ ordered(nitro) * Variety, data = Oats,
random =~1| Block/Variety )
# Here's the anova() output just to show that the split plot structure
# is correctly being interpreted with regards to the denominator degrees of freedom.
numDF denDF F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1 45 245.14299 <.0001
ordered(nitro) 3 45 37.68562 <.0001
Variety 2 10 1.48534 0.2724
ordered(nitro):Variety 6 45 0.30282 0.9322
Variety = Golden Rain:
nitro emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
0.0 80.0 9.11 5 56.6 103.4
0.2 98.5 9.11 5 75.1 121.9
0.4 114.7 9.11 5 91.3 138.1
0.6 124.8 9.11 5 101.4 148.2
Variety = Marvellous:
nitro emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
0.0 86.7 9.11 5 63.3 110.1
0.2 108.5 9.11 5 85.1 131.9
0.4 117.2 9.11 5 93.8 140.6
0.6 126.8 9.11 5 103.4 150.2
Variety = Victory:
nitro emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
0.0 71.5 9.11 5 48.1 94.9
0.2 89.7 9.11 5 66.3 113.1
0.4 110.8 9.11 5 87.4 134.2
0.6 118.5 9.11 5 95.1 141.9
Degrees-of-freedom method: containment
Confidence level used: 0.95
# glmmTMB
glmm1Oats <- glmmTMB(yield ~ ordered(nitro) * Variety +(1|Block/Variety), data = Oats)
Variety = Golden Rain:
nitro emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
0.0 80.0 8.31 57 63.4 96.6
0.2 98.5 8.31 57 81.9 115.1
0.4 114.7 8.31 57 98.0 131.3
0.6 124.8 8.31 57 108.2 141.5
Variety = Marvellous:
nitro emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
0.0 86.7 8.31 57 70.0 103.3
0.2 108.5 8.31 57 91.9 125.1
0.4 117.2 8.31 57 100.5 133.8
0.6 126.8 8.31 57 110.2 143.5
Variety = Victory:
nitro emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
0.0 71.5 8.31 57 54.9 88.1
0.2 89.7 8.31 57 73.0 106.3
0.4 110.8 8.31 57 94.2 127.5
0.6 118.5 8.31 57 101.9 135.1
Confidence level used: 0.95
# 5 vs. 57...is the glmmTMB version OK or does it need a modification?
Edit: aov(glmm1Oats) for d.f.
aov(formula = glmm1Oats)
ordered(nitro) Variety Block ordered(nitro):Variety Variety:Block Residuals
Sum of Squares 20020.500 1786.361 15875.278 321.750 6013.306 7968.750
Deg. of Freedom 3 2 5 6 10 45
Residual standard error: 13.30727
Estimated effects may be unbalanced
at least recognizes the right groups and d.f. at this level, but I'm not confident that the information is being used in the way I would want.
Thanks very much!