Fascinating thread. Further to Erik's excellent response, I would like to suggest that you also look into fitting your linear mixed effects models using the gamlss function in the gamlss package in R.
Here are some examples of models you can consider fitting:
## linear mixed effects model with
## a fixed intercept and
## a random intercept for Subject
cv0 <- gamlss(Score ~ 1 +
re(random = ~1|Subject),
data = mydata)
## linear mixed effects model with
## a fixed effect for Day and
## a random intercept for Subject
cv1 <- gamlss(Score ~ 1 + Day +
data = mydata)
## linear mixed effects model with
## fixed effects for Day, val1 and val2 and
## a random intercept for Subject
cv2 <- gamlss(Score ~ 1 + Day + val1 + val2 +
data = mydata)
## linear mixed effects model with
## fixed effects for Day, val1 and val2,
## a random intercept for Subject and
## a random slope for Day
cv3 <- gamlss(Score ~ 1 + Day + val1 + val2 +
re(random=~ 1 + Day|Subject,
opt="optim", numIter=100),
data = mydata)
## linear mixed effects model with
## fixed effects for Day, val1 and val2,
## a random intercept for Subject,
## a random slope for Day and a random slope for val1
cv4 <- gamlss(Score ~ 1 + Day + val1 + val2 +
re(random=~Day + val1|Subject,
opt="optim", numIter=100),
data = mydata)
## linear mixed effects model with
## fixed effects for Day, val1 and val2,
## a random intercept for Subject,
## a random slope for Day and a random slope for val2
cv5 <- gamlss(Score ~ 1 + Day + val1 + val2 +
re(random=~Day + val2|Subject,
opt="optim", numIter=100),
data = mydata)
Note that you will NOT be able to fit the model:
## linear mixed effects model with
## fixed effects for Day, val1 and val2,
## a random intercept for Subject,
## a random slope for Day,
## a random slope for val1 and
## a random slope for val2
cv6 <- gamlss(Score ~ 1 + Day + val1 + val2 +
re(random=~Day + val1 + val2|Subject,
opt="optim", numIter=100),
data = mydata)
as R will throw an error: fewer observations than random effects in all level 1 groups.
On the plus side, you will be able to fit the sequence of models cv0 to cv5 and compare these models in terms of their (generalized) AIC value to determine which model is preferred for your data:
GAIC(cv0, cv1, cv2, cv3, cv4, cv5)
> GAIC(cv0, cv1, cv2, cv3, cv4, cv5)
df AIC
cv0 1.000000 71.63080 <- lowest AIC value
cv5 4.000062 72.46398 so model cv0 is preferred
cv4 4.000027 72.46398
cv3 4.000031 72.46398
cv2 4.000000 72.46398
cv1 2.000000 73.60104
You can also use:
GAIC.table(cv0, cv1, cv2, cv3, cv4, cv5)
to compute the (generalized) AIC with different penalties k.
You can interrogate the preferred model cv0 using commands such as:
## summary for preferred model
## random effects for preferred model
## model diagnostic plots for preferred model
## worm plot for preferred model
There is not much difference in (generalized) AIC models between cv0 and the next best models, cv2 to cv5 - less than 1 point on the (generalized) AIC scale. So you may decide to still report one of these models, while being transparent about the fact that it has the next lowest (generalized) AIC value and very small standard deviations for the random effect(s) it includes. (You would probably be most interested in reporting model cv3?)
PS: Your val1 and val2 values look a bit odd to me in the data.
mydata <- mydata %>%
mydata$Subject <- factor(mydata$Subject)
> mydata
Subject Day val1 val2 Score
1 1 0 5 7 8
2 1 1 5 7 2
3 1 2 5 7 5
4 2 0 5 7 6
5 2 1 5 7 3
6 2 2 5 7 5
7 3 0 5 7 6
8 3 1 5 7 3
9 3 2 5 7 7
10 4 0 1 4 4
11 4 1 1 4 4
12 4 2 1 4 5
13 5 0 6 6 6
14 5 1 5 6 6
15 5 2 4 5 8
16 6 0 5 7 6
17 6 1 6 6 7
18 6 2 6 6 7
The values of val1 and val2 are constant across Days for Subject 1, Subject 2, Subject 3 and Subject 4 (suggesting that val1 and val2 are Subject-level predictor variables, whose values remain constant across Days for the same subject).
However, the values of val1 and val2 for Subject 5 and Subject 6 do change across Days within subject. Not sure this is by accident or by design? A quick quality check of the data might be warranted before proceeding with your modelling.
For more information on the gamlss& package of R, see:
The article Analysis of longitudinal multilevel experiments using GAMLSSs by Thomas et al. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.03085) mentions that it is possible to get the anova() function to work with a gamlss model provided the model is specified in a particular way using the re() function. For example, if the linear mixed effects model is specified like so:
fm <- gamlss(Score ~ re(fixed = ~ 1 + Day + val1 + val2,
random = ~ 1|Subject,
method = "ML"),
data = mydata)
then applying the function getSmo() to the model m will convert m into an lme object so that the anova() function from the nlme package will work on it:
The anova() function will produce output like the one shown below:
> anova(getSmo(fm))
numDF denDF F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1 9 0.0000000 1.0000
Day 1 9 0.0308174 0.8645
val1 1 9 1.6835327 0.2267
val2 1 9 2.9404394 0.1205
It is also possible to use the Anova() function from the car package on the model m:
I tried to see if anova() works with two nested linear mixed effects models fitted with the ML method (i.e., Maximum Likelihood), but that unfortunately doesn't seem to work:
fm1 <- gamlss(Score ~ re(fixed = ~ 1 + Day,
random = ~ 1|Subject,
method = "ML"),
data = mydata)
fm2 <- gamlss(Score ~ re(fixed = ~ 1 + Day + val1,
random = ~ 1|Subject,
method = "ML"),
data = mydata)
fm1.lme <- getSmo(fm1)
fm2.lme <- getSmo(fm2)
anova(fm1.lme, fm2.lme)
Indeed, the last anova() command produces the following error: Error in eval(x$call$fixed) : object 'fix.formula' not found.
The gamlss package has an LR.test() function for comparing nested models, but that doesn't seem to work for models with random effects specified as above. Trying something like:
LR.test(fm1, fm2)
produces the error message: Error in LR.test(fm1, fm2) : The difference in df's is negative. Are the models nested?.
Perhaps it's worth e-mailing the gamlss package authors to ask for further clarifications on whether it is possible to compare linear mixed effects models via the anova() function in the nlme package or the LR.test() function in the gamlss package?
If you just want to compare a model with and without a variable of interest, perhaps use the drop1() function in the gamlss package? Something like this (note that the model is now specified with the fixed effects outside of the re() function for the drop1() function to work):
fm <- gamlss(Score ~ Day + val1 + val2 + re(random = ~ 1|Subject),
data = mydata)
drop1(fm, what="mu")
In case this helps, see also the handout available https://docs.ufpr.br/~taconeli/CE06218/Ex5.pdf. Other commands mentioned in this handout that will work on the getSmo() version of a gamlss model with random effects are as follows:
## summary
## residual level=1 plot
## fixed effect estimates
## random effect estimates
## plot of random effect estimates
## fitted coefficients
## confidence intervals
Maybe check this reference out too: