The reason that the Decision Tree does poorly here is the algorithm isn't equipped to deal with the situation you're throwing at it. You need to understand how a CART model gives its predicted output value for a continuous response.
You fit a CART model to the response target
, predicted by inputs category
and A
. You want the decision tree to learn the rule if category == 1, predict target = A.
But all the classical CART algorithm can do is partition the space based on the input values, and then output a final predicted value based on the responses only (target
) that fall into the given partition; it doesn't incorporate predictor information like you want it to in the final prediction. So it can only do things like if category == 1, predict target = (mean target of all observations with category == 1)
. Since the observations that fall into category 1 are just uniform random variates, you won't do very well predicting their value by grouping them up and just taking the mean, right?
Sounds like a "model-tree" based approach might be more appropriate (disclaimer: I'm not an expert in these). In the terminal node of the tree, instead of simply predicting the mean of all values falling into that node (like CART), model-trees fit a linear model to all observations in the terminal node, using all predictors that gave rise to the splits that define that terminal node (that's a mouthful, I know, not sure how else to say it).
I'll give an example in sloppy R code (sorry, too nooby in Python) wherein I:
- setup dummy data
- fit a CART model to show how bad it is
- fit a
model to show that it fits well on the category == 1
data and poorly on the category != 1
Step 1: Setup data
library(rpart) # CART model
library(Cubist) # model-trees model
seq_length = 6
rows = 30000
max_value = 100
test_data_factor = 0.2
df <- data.frame(category = as.character(rep(1:seq_length, length.out = rows)),
target = runif(rows, 0, max_value))
df$A <- df$target
for(i in 1:rows) if(df$category[i] != 1) df$A[i] <- df$A[i] * runif(1, 0.8, 1.2)
test_ind <- 1:floor(test_data_factor * nrow(df))
training <- df[-test_ind, ]
test <- df[test_ind, ]
test_1 <- test[test$category == 1, ] # Test observations w/ cat 1
test_not1 <- test[test$category != 1, ] # Test observations w/ other categories
Step 2: Fit a CART model and show how crappy it is
treemod <- rpart(data = training, target ~ .)
treepred_1 <- predict(treemod, newdata = test_1) # CART predictions in category 1
treepred_not1 <- predict(treemod, newdata = test_not1) # CART predictions in other categories
print(paste0("Mean Absolute Error of CART Model in Category 1: ", round(mean(abs(treepred_1 - test_1$target)), 3)))
print(paste0("Mean Absolute Error of CART Model other Categories: ", round(mean(abs(treepred_not1 - test_not1$target)), 3)))
[1] "Mean Absolute Error of CART Model in Category 1: 4.061"
[1] "Mean Absolute Error of CART Model other Categories: 6.178
Step 3: Fit a Cubist model and show improvement in Category 1
cubistmod <- cubist(x = training[ , -2], y = training$target)
cubistpred_1 <- predict(cubistmod, newdata = test_1)
cubistpred_not1 <- predict(cubistmod, newdata = test_not1)
print(paste0("Mean Absolute Error of Cubist Model in Category 1: ", round(mean(abs(cubistpred_1 - test_1$target)), 3)))
print(paste0("Mean Absolute Error of Cubist Model other Categories: ", round(mean(abs(cubistpred_not1 - test_not1$target)), 3)))
[1] "Mean Absolute Error of Cubist Model in Category 1: 0.01"
[1] "Mean Absolute Error of Cubist Model other Categories: 4.434"
So the test error in category 1 has gone from about 4.1 to 0.01 by switching from CART to Cubist. The error is non-zero so it's not learning like a human might that if the category is 1, then just return A exactly. But perhaps the analyst might notice the minute error and consider that this is likely just numerical precision issues. Indeed, if you check summary(cubistmod)
, which lists the model splits and resulting models, you'll see among the rules:
category = 1
outcome = 0 + 1 A
I'm not sure what other kinds of algorithms could help you out, but just some random thoughts: you could maybe check out association rule learning or literature in the data mining community ("data mining" being kind of a buzzword but this idea of finding hidden relationships among variables in the dataset seems to be a common motif in the lit of the self-professed miners)