I am trying to use mixed-effects modelling for my data in R. I have two independent variables and both of them have three levels. Is it necessary that I have to code my variables? If so, can I use dummy/treatment coding? I also have some other predictor variables. I am attaching the model with this,
model1 <- lmer(rt ~ emotion + trial + emotion*trial + age + emotion*trial*age + (1|participant)
The results obtained are as follows:
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 295.9898 21.9655 59.9409 13.475 <2e-16 ***
EmotionNegative 12.9354 10.3385 17076.8218 1.251 0.2109
EmotionNeutral 13.2439 10.2729 17076.4637 1.289 0.1973
trial_typeincongruent 20.6828 10.6194 17077.0115 1.948 0.0515 .
trial_typeneutral 23.0839 10.4112 17076.4873 2.217 0.0266 *
Age -0.2310 4.0893 60.0862 -0.056 0.9551
EmotionNegative:trial_typeincongruent -5.9407 15.2334 17076.6471 -0.390 0.6966
EmotionNeutral:trial_typeincongruent 4.0637 15.1272 17076.5003 0.269 0.7882
EmotionNegative:trial_typeneutral 11.5807 14.8398 17076.5762 0.780 0.4352
EmotionNeutral:trial_typeneutral 8.1210 14.8446 17076.3594 0.547 0.5843
EmotionNegative:Age 0.4182 1.9479 17076.9098 0.215 0.8300
EmotionNeutral:Age -2.0714 1.9280 17076.4446 -1.074 0.2827
trial_typeincongruent:Age -2.6537 1.9935 17077.2263 -1.331 0.1831
trial_typeneutral:Age -0.2855 1.9518 17076.5935 -0.146 0.8837
EmotionNegative:trial_typeincongruent:Age 3.3124 2.8751 17076.6068 1.152 0.2493
EmotionNeutral:trial_typeincongruent:Age 1.6189 2.8473 17076.4467 0.569 0.5696
EmotionNegative:trial_typeneutral:Age -1.3162 2.7958 17076.6643 -0.471 0.6378
EmotionNeutral:trial_typeneutral:Age -1.7054 2.7918 17076.2931 -0.611 0.5413
How should I interpret this data? Do I need to mention the variable coding and if so, why is it important?