I am looking for a proof or intuition as to why the absolute limit of a random forest estimator is the expectancy of a single tree (see citation below), i.e:
$$ \hat{f}_{rf}(x) = \lim_{B \to \infty}[\hat{f}^B_{rf}(x)] = \lim_{B \to \infty}[\frac{1}{B}\sum_{b=1}^BT(x;\Theta_b)]=E_{\Theta|Z}[T(x;\Theta(Z))] \tag{1}\\ $$
where $Z$ = current sample (not bootstrap); $T(x;\Theta_b)$ = prediction for the tree grown on the $b^{th}$ bootstrapped sample with parameters $\Theta_b$ (split variables, split points, leaf values).
Since random forest / bagging is an average and a tree is a random variable, how can the limit converge absolutely? I thought a LLN or CLT could be applicable, but those are based on convergence in probability ($plim = \overset{p}{\to}$) or in distribution ($dlim = \overset{d}{\to}$). Since the trees are not independent (only $id$ identically distributed, not $iid$), not even a basic WLLN is applicable because the variance never fully vanishes (see convergence in mean-square).
Source: (1) is cited from
2008. Elements of Statistical Learning 2nd Ed, Equation 15.3. Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman
2008. Elements of Statistical Learning 2nd Ed, Equation 15.4. Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman
Resources: I could not find the answer (so far) in the following papers:
Stefan Wager. Asymptotic Theory For Random Forest (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.0352.pdf)
Jason M. Klusowski. Sharp analysis of a simple model for random forests (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.02587.pdf)
Gilles Louppe. UNDERSTANDING RANDOM FORESTS From Theory To Practice (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1407.7502.pdf)