Consider the model
where $Y$ is an $n\times 1$ response vector, $X$ is an $n\times p$ matrix of covariates (fixed) with full column rank, $\beta$ is a $p\times 1$ vector of parameters and $\varepsilon$ is an $n\times 1$ error vector. Also assume $n>p$.
The residual sum of squares is then
where $\hat\beta$ is the OLS estimator of $\beta$.
If $\varepsilon \sim N_n(0,\sigma^2 I_n)$, then an appropriate pivot for $\sigma^2$ is
$$\frac{\text{RSS}}{\sigma^2} \sim \chi^2_{n-p}$$
This implies
where $\chi^2_{\alpha,n-p}$ is an upper quantile of a $\chi^2_{n-p}$ distribution, i.e. $P(\chi^2_{n-p}>\chi^2_{\alpha,n-p})=\alpha$
In this setup, a $100(1-\alpha)\%$ confidence interval for $\sigma^2$ is
The corresponding interval for $\sigma$ is