Given a model on the observation data vector $y$ at coordinate vector $x$ $$M(f,\lambda) := (1-\lambda)L(y,f(x))+\lambda J(f) $$ where $\lambda\in[0,1]$, $L$ is a loss function and $J$ a roughness function and $f$ is a function of $x$. I perform $$f_\lambda=\text{argmin}_f \,M(f,\lambda)$$
The standard method for tuning $\lambda$ is cross validation. In order to save on computational cost, is it completely nuts to minimize some function over $\lambda$, say $$\min_\lambda\, N(\lambda,a)$$ where $$N(\lambda,a):=(1-a)\ln L(y,f_\lambda(x)) +a\ln J(f_\lambda)$$ for some chosen $a\in[0,1]$? Are there other related approaches for cheaply tuning the regularization parameter?
I suppose in principle for any given $\lambda_c$ obtained from cross validation there is always an $a$ such that $\lambda_c$ is the value $\lambda$ takes to minimize $N(\lambda,a)$ for that particular $a$. So I see there is much ambiguity in this question. But I am hoping to hear some empirical experience of obtaining directly a $N$ function.