I have a family of models that give me a forecast distribution for the next observation in a time series. So given observations $O_1, \dots, O_T$, I can calibrate the model and get a distribution for $O_{T+1}$. My observations are continuous random variables. How can I check which model provides the best forecast for the historic data? At every time point I have a distribution (which will be different for ever time $T$) and only a single observation.
I was thinking to calculate a few quantiles at every time $T$ (the quantiles should be the same, their value will be different obviously), which defines "buckets" for the value of the random variable. And then I would count the realizations falling into all these buckets, expecting to get proportional numbers for the optimal forecasts. Does this approach work? And how do I optimally choose the quantiles?
I would appreciate references in the answers, because I need to use this in an academic paper.