I am running (multi-level) logit models on hospital data testing whether the ratio two hospital tariffs has any effect on the probability of being admitted to the hospital.
My models are the following:
f1 <- glm(admit ~ log_ratio, data=dat, family = "binomial")
f2 <- glm(admit ~ log_ratio*as.factor(Condition2), data=dat, family = "binomial")
f3 <- lmer(admit ~ log_ratio + (1|provider_id), data=dat_first, REML = F)
f4 <- lmer(admit ~ log_ratio + log_ratio:as.factor(Condition2) + (1|provider_id), data=dat, REML = F)
f5 <- lmer(admit ~ log_ratio*as.factor(Condition2) + (1|provider_id), data=dat, REML = F)
where admit is a binary variable indicating hospital admission, log_ratio is the log-transformed ratio of the two tariffs, Condition2 is the condition for which the patient received treatment and provider_id is the id of the treatment provider.
My results are the following:
Dependent variable:
logistic linear
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
log_ratio 0.605*** 1.385* 0.012*** 0.013*** 0.012
(0.058) (0.808) (0.001) (0.002) (0.013)
as.factor(Condition2)Brain Disorder 1.392 -0.001
(1.304) (0.021)
as.factor(Condition2)Amputation 2.352 0.0002
(2.257) (0.072)
as.factor(Condition2)Chronic pain 4.403** -0.026
(2.161) (0.055)
as.factor(Condition2)Nervous system 2.391 0.006
(1.551) (0.026)
as.factor(Condition2)Organ Disorder 1.114 -0.018
(1.787) (0.043)
log_ratio:as.factor(Condition2)Brain Disorder -0.098 0.014*** 0.014
(0.825) (0.002) (0.014)
log_ratio:as.factor(Condition2)Amputation -0.067 0.053*** 0.053
(1.741) (0.003) (0.059)
log_ratio:as.factor(Condition2)Chronic pain -1.926 0.009*** 0.024
(1.230) (0.001) (0.030)
log_ratio:as.factor(Condition2)Nervous system -1.537 0.005*** -0.0003
(1.050) (0.001) (0.018)
log_ratio:as.factor(Condition2)Organ Disorder 0.457 0.023*** 0.037
(1.242) (0.001) (0.032)
Constant -4.476*** -6.550*** 0.022*** 0.007 0.008
(0.075) (1.293) (0.008) (0.009) (0.023)
Observations 115,376 115,376 115,376 115,376 115,376
Log Likelihood -12,589.260 -12,229.590 56,636.920 56,935.280 56,935.630
Akaike Inf. Crit. 25,182.530 24,483.190 -113,265.800 -113,852.600 -113,843.300
Bayesian Inf. Crit. -113,227.200 -113,765.700 -113,708.100
Note: *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
My main interest is in log_ratio and whether it has any association with the probability of hospital admission. My secondary interest is whether this correlation is different per condition. Log-ratio is significant in every model (logit or multi-level logit) except for when I do an interaction effect with condition (with all main effects in the model, such as in Models 2 & 5). The variables with log-ratio then lose their significance.
My question is which model do I believe? My gut feeling is that log-ratio is in fact significant, but due to small sample size per condition or some other reason it is not showing up as significant in Models 2 & 5. Could this be true?
Also, could Model 4 be an acceptable specification of the model? That is, in my case, do I need to have all main effects in the model?