Some random variables can be expressed as a binary expansion whose digits are chosen independently at random; this is called a convolution. One example of this kind of random variable is the one for an exponential distribution truncated to the interval $[0, 1]$ (Devroye and Gravel 2020).
However, there seem to be limits on how practical this approach is to describe random variables.
The following is part of Kakutani's theorem (Kakutani 1948): Let $a_j$ be the $j$th binary digit probability in a random variable's binary expansion (starting with $j=1$ for the first digit after the point), where the variable is in $[0, 1]$ and each digit is independently set (that is, each digit is an independent Bernoulli random variable). Then the random variable is absolutely continuous if and only if the sum of squares of $(a_j - 1/2)$ converges. In other words, the digits in the binary expansion become less and less biased as they move farther and farther from the binary point.
An absolutely continuous random variable in $[0, 1]$ can thus be built if we can find an infinite sequence $a_j$ that converges to 1/2. Then that variable could be formed by setting the digits after the point in its infinite binary expansion to 1 with probability equal to the corresponding $a_j$ (that is, the variable's digits are independent Bernoulli random variables with parameter equal to the corresponding $a_j$). However, experiments show that the resulting variable will have a discontinuous probability density function (PDF) in general.
I conjecture the following:
For β = 2, the random variable's PDF will be continuous only if—
- the probabilities of the first half, interval (0, 1/2), are proportional to those of the second half, interval (1/2, 1), and
- the probabilities of each quarter, eighth, etc. Are proportional to those of every other quarter, eighth, etc.
The random variable's PDF will be continuous only if the sequence has the form—$$a_j=\frac{\exp(w/\beta^j)}{1+\exp(w/\beta^j)}, $$ where β = 2 and w is a constant.
A similar behavior to (1) applies for β other than 2 (non-base-2 or non-binary cases) as it does to β = 2 (the base-2 or binary case).
My question is: Is there a proof for these conjectures? My attempts at trying to prove them using SymPy have failed, notably because it can't yet evaluate the infinite products needed to check my tries.
Note: All statements about random variables, etc., are with respect to Lebesgue measure.
- S. Kakutani, "On equivalence of infinite product measures", Annals of Mathematics 1948.
- Devroye, L., Gravel, C., "Random variate generation using only finitely many unbiased, independently and identically distributed random bits", arXiv:1502.02539v6 [cs.IT], 2020.