Let $X$ be an $n\times p$ full-rank matrix of predictors with $n > p$, and $y$ be the vector of responses. Assume $y \sim N(X\beta, \sigma^2I)$, and let $\hat{\beta}$ be the least-squares estimator of $\beta$. Let $e = y - X\hat{\beta}$ the vector of residuals.
Since $y$ is normal, then $\hat{\beta} = (X^TX)^{-1}X^Ty \sim N(\beta, \sigma^2(X^TX)^{-1})$. And $E(\hat{\beta}) = \beta$.
What does it mean to take the conditional expectation given the residuals? i.e., $E(\hat{\beta}|e = e_0),$ where "=" is interpreted component-wise.
I have two questions:
- Intuitively, what exactly does it mean to condition on the residuals $e = e_0$? Since residuals $e = y - X\hat{\beta}$, does this mean that we're assuming that $y = y_0$ and $\hat{\beta} = \hat{\beta}^*$ such that $e_0 = y_0 - X\hat{\beta}^*$? That is, we are conditioning on a specific vector of realizations for the responses $y_0$ and a specific vector of OLS coefficients $\hat{\beta}^*$?
- If the above were true, I thought the probability of a continuous random variable is 0. Therefore, is the probability of $e = e_0$ also 0 since $e$ are continuous?