I'm doing a survival analysis on a dataset.
considering "DV" as outcome var, "T" as time to event or censor, V1 - V6 independent variables.
I want to use conventional Coxph analysis as rouine statistic method, and also i want to do a machine learning method on my dataset (say as sensitivity analysis).
By coxph i found for example, variables V1 and V5 have significant contribution to my outcome "DV" after multivariable coxph.
Random forest for survival analysis
I also perform random forest survival analysis(Using randomForestSRC of R).
At the end of process, i used VIMP function for variable importance finding.
It revealed 3 variables as most important.(eg. consider V1, V5, V3)
Now my question:
Is it correct to conclude from the variable importance result of randomforestSRC, that variables V1, V5 And V3 had significat contribution to the outcome, (say confirming my previous coxph analysis).
Or it just tells that for OOB data, these variable had most contribution for true split points of nodes and it does not representative of whole dataset?