Let $X_1,X_2,X_3,..,X_n,X_{n+1}$ be random samples from $N(\mu,1)$. Let us define $\bar {X}_n = \frac{\sum X_i}{n}$ and $T = \frac{1}{2}(\bar {X}_n + X_{n+1})$. It is required to test whether $T$ is consistent and unbiased for $\mu$.
We can clearly see that T is unbiased for $\mu$. For testing the consistency, I have compute the varianve of the $T$ as
$V(T) = \frac{1}{4}(\frac{1}{n} + 1)$ which as $n$ is large does not converge to 0. Henec, from this definition, $T$ is not consistent.
But if we see the invariance property of consistent estimators, it says any continuous function of consistent estimator is consistent. Can't we view the $T$ as the function of consistent estimator $\bar {X}_n$ for $\mu$?