I have a 65 samples of 21-dimensional data (pasted here) and I am constructing the covariance matrix from it. When computed in C++ I get the covariance matrix pasted here. And when computed in matlab from the data (as shown below) I get the covariance matrix pasted here
Matlab code for computing cov from data:
data = csvread('path/to/data');
matlab_cov = cov(data);
As you can see the difference in covariance matrices are minute (~e-07), which is probably due to numerical problems in the compiler using floating point arithmetic.
However, when I compute the pseudo-inverse covariance matrix from the covariance matrix produced by matlab and the one produced by my C++ code, I get widely different results. I am computing them in the same way i.e.:
data = csvread('path/to/data');
matlab_cov = cov(data);
my_cov = csvread('path/to/cov_file');
matlab_inv = pinv(matlab_cov);
my_inv = pinv(my_cov);
The difference is so huge that when I am computing the mahalanobis distance from a sample (pasted here) to the distribution of the 65 samples by:
$(65/64^2) \times ((sample-mean)\times {\sum}^{-1} \times (sample-mean)')$
using the different inverse covariance matrices (${\sum}^{-1}$) I get widely different results i.e.:
ans =
ans =
Is it normal for the small (e-7) differences in covariance matrix to have such an effect on the computation of the pseudo-inverse matrix? And if so, what can I do to mitigate this effect?
Failing this, are there any other distance metrics I can use that do not involve the inverse covariance? I use the Mahalanobis distance as we know for n samples it follows a beta distribution, which I use for hypothesis testing
Many thanks in advance
EDIT: Adding C++ code for calculating covariance matrix below:
The vector<vector<double> >
represents the collection of rows from the file pasted.
Mat covariance_matrix = Mat(21, 21, CV_32FC1, cv::Scalar(0));
for(int j = 0; j < 21; j++){
for(int k = 0; k < 21; k++){
for(std::vector<vector<double> >::iterator it = data.begin(); it!= data.end(); it++){
covariance_matrix.at<float>(j,k) += (it->at(j) - mean.at(j)) * (it->at(k) - mean[k]);
covariance_matrix.at<float>(j,k) /= 64;