This is, I guess, just a question of standard vocabulary.
All definitions I have seen for an ARIMA series just state that it is a series which becomes ARMA after differencing some number of times.
If you difference a time series model with linear trend
$$X_t = a + bt + w_t,$$
where $w_t$ is a white noise series, you get a stationary model
$$Y_t = b + (w_t - w_{t-1})$$
This would not be an ARMA model because of the nonzero mean, I guess, so $X_t$ doesn't fit the definition of ARIMA(0,1,1) I have seen. If you difference again, you get
$$Z_t = w_t -2 w_{t-1} + w_{t-2}$$
Thus, the series $X_t$ fits the definition I have seen of an ARIMA(0,2,2) model. Yet I see lots of websites and books informally suggest an ARIMA model should have only stochastic trends.
So my question is, do practitioners call a series like $X_t$ with a deterministic trend a type of ARIMA model, as would comport with the definitions I have seen? Or do the definitions I have seen need some revision to remove such series from consideration?
Also, would practitioners view the extra difference I applied to be a case of overdifferencing? I would think so, since a constant mean should be easy to deal with after that first difference.