I wanted to see a graph about how KL divergence between a standard normal distribution, and any other normal distributions with 0 mean, and standard deviation being $x$ varies.
I mostly need it for variational autoencoder loss calculation, and so far I learnt that it needs to be calculated like:
$$D_{KL} = 0.5 * (\sigma^2 + \mu^2 - 1 - log \space \sigma^2)$$
If we pretend we know that $\mu$ is 0, I'm assuming we can simply skip that step, so we end up with:
$$D_{KL} = 0.5 * (\sigma^2 - 1 - log \space \sigma^2)$$
In this graph you can see that the KL divergence is 0 if $x$ is -1, 1, -0.37, 0.37. If my equation is right, it should mean how different a normal distribution is with $x$ standard deviation from a standard normal distribution. I don't understand the negative values, but certainly don't understand the 0.37 value.
Did I mess up my equation, or it is expected?