P splines in mgcv are not penalised twice, they just use a different form of penalty matrix where we penalize some particular order of differences between adjacent $\beta_i$.
It's important to note that GCV, REML, etc are algorithms for choosing $\boldsymbol{\lambda}$, the smoothness parameters; because of the way the model complexity is defined as a function of the model coefficients, fitting a penalised GAM basically involves finding $\boldsymbol{\beta}$ and $\boldsymbol{\lambda}$ to minimise the negative penalised log-likelihood. How we measure wiggliness of the fitted functions is determined by the form of the penalty matrix $\mathbf{S}$ but in defining these matrices we're not penalising anything with them in and by themselves. The penalization or shrinkage comes in when we choose values for $\boldsymbol{\lambda}$ because as we increase $\boldsymbol{\lambda}$ we have to shrink the values of $\boldsymbol{\beta}$.
The wigglines measure in a penalized GAM is
$$\boldsymbol{\beta}^{\mathsf{T}} \mathbf{S} \boldsymbol{\beta}$$
where $\mathbf{S}$ is the penalty matrix. For P splines, instead of a directly defining penalty matrix $\mathbf{S}$ that measures the wiggliness of the basis functions, as we do with thin plate splines, we define a matrix $\mathbf{P}$ such that our wiggliness measure is now, following the argument of Wood (2017, pp. 206; slightly modified to fix a typo)
$$\boldsymbol{\beta}^{\mathsf{T}} \mathbf{P}^{\mathsf{T}}\mathbf{P} \boldsymbol{\beta}$$
and hence $\mathbf{P}^{\mathsf{T}}\mathbf{P}$ is now our penalty matrix, and $\mathbf{P}$ the square root of the penalty matrix.
In a P spline we want to penalise squared differences between adjacent coefficients
$$\sum_{i=1}^{k-1}(\beta_{i+1} - \beta_i)^2 = \boldsymbol{\beta}^{\mathsf{T}} \mathbf{P}^{\mathsf{T}}\mathbf{P} \boldsymbol{\beta}$$
we define $\mathbf{P}$ as
$$\mathbf{P} =
-1 & 1 & 0 & \cdot & \cdot \\
0 & -1 & 1 & 0 & \cdot \\
\cdot & \cdot & \cdot & \cdot & \cdot \\
\cdot & \cdot & \cdot & \cdot & \cdot
so that we have
\beta_2 - \beta_1 \\
\beta_3 - \beta_2 \\
\cdot \\
\end{bmatrix} = \mathbf{P}\boldsymbol{\beta}$$
$\mathbf{P}$ itself is the square root of the penalty matrix, hence we end up with
$$\boldsymbol{\beta}^{\mathsf{T}} \mathbf{P}^{\mathsf{T}}\mathbf{P} \boldsymbol{\beta} = \boldsymbol{\beta}^{\mathsf{T}}
1 & -1 & 0 & \cdot & \cdot & \cdot \\
-1 & 2 & -1 & 0 & \cdot & \cdot\\
0 & -1 & 2 & -1 & 0 & \cdot \\
\cdot & \cdot & \cdot & \cdot & \cdot & \cdot \\
\cdot & \cdot & \cdot & \cdot & \cdot & \cdot
\end{bmatrix} \boldsymbol{\beta}$$
To be clear; all of the above is cribbed/summarised from Wood (2017, pp 206).
Hopefully it's clear that the penalty is defined directly in terms of differences of adjacent groups (the difference can be higher order than the 1st-order differences shown here) of coefficients. In other words more complex models are those where there are large differences between adjacent groups of spline/model coefficients.
In the thin plate splines and cubic regression splines by way of contrast, the penalty matrix $\mathbf{S}$ measures the wiggliness of each basis function and how the wiggliness of one function modifies the wiggliness of the other, i.e. how the wigglinesses of basis functions covary. These penalty matrices are defined in terms of the wiggliness of the basis functions themselves, but in a P spline the penalty is applied to the coefficients and doesn't measure the wiggliness of the basis functions themselves.
This is to say that P splines aren't typically defined in terms of derivative-base penalties, while the penalties for thin plate splines and cubic regression splines are derivative-based. I say typically, because Simon Wood has a section (5.3.4) in his GAM book (Wood 2017) showing how you can create P splines with derivative-based penalties, but you can read that for yourself if you're interested).
If you want to play with this in R (or translate to the language of your choice), Simon includes the following simple snippet to illustrate how to create $\mathbf{P}$ for a given size of $k$, and hence what the resulting penalty matrix $\mathbf{S}$ looks like:
k <- 6
P <- diff(diag(k), differences = 1)
S <- crossprod(P)
with S
now being
> S
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,] 1 -1 0 0 0 0
[2,] -1 2 -1 0 0 0
[3,] 0 -1 2 -1 0 0
[4,] 0 0 -1 2 -1 0
[5,] 0 0 0 -1 2 -1
[6,] 0 0 0 0 -1 1
To get higher-order differences, change the differences
> P <- diff(diag(k), differences = 2)
> S <- crossprod(P)
> S
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,] 1 -2 1 0 0 0
[2,] -2 5 -4 1 0 0
[3,] 1 -4 6 -4 1 0
[4,] 0 1 -4 6 -4 1
[5,] 0 0 1 -4 5 -2
[6,] 0 0 0 1 -2 1
As you increase the order of differences in the penalty, the penalty will act to pull, shrink, larger groups of consecutive $\beta_i$ towards one another as the non-zero elements in $\mathbf{S}$ cover more of the $\beta_i$.
Wood, S.N., 2017. Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with R, Second Edition. CRC Press.