In a task, a participant sees two types of prompts, 1 and 2. The participant might answer A or B. The participant might give an answer that cannot be coded as A or B, we treat these as missing data. The participant responds eight times.
Correct responses can be only ascertained on the participant level. If a participant responds A to prompt 1 and B to prompt 2 OR A to 2 and B to 1, the participant is consistent. Non-matching answers result in a loss of consistency.
This can be operationalised into a contingency table, where a perfectly consistent participant is
0 4
4 0
4 0
0 4
A less consistent participant might look like
1 3
4 0
A terribly inconsistent participant will, of course, look like
2 2
2 2
Given the low cell counts, I can use e.g. a Fisher exact test to get a p value about the participant's consistency. In this setup, a 4/0 0/4 participant will be p < 0.05, everybody else will be p > 0.05 and so on (with missing data, you might see 3/0 0/4 etc). I'm fine with this.
I can simulate participants to show how many would get p > 0.05 by chance.
How do I account for the number of participants in my sample? Surely, having 500/1000 participants showing consistent behaviour will be more informative / result in less error than having 5/10.
I tried to reduce the problem to a linear model as per this question but my problem is that I can't define a correct outcome on the data level, only on the participant level (since 1:A 2:B AND 1:B 2:A are both consistent, and deviations should be counted from the participant tables).
The question is: How do I account for the number of participants? I can determine the prob