Consider a Poisson process with unknown parameter $\lambda$.
We perform a sequence of $n$ observations at intervals $\overline{t}=t_1,\,t_2,\,\dots,\,t_n$. Each observation is a binary variable $x_i$ equal to zero if no changes occurred during interval $t_i$ or equal to one if one or more changes occurred:
$\forall i,$
$\Pr[X_i = 0 | \lambda,\,t_i] = \exp(-\lambda t_i)$
$\Pr[X_i = 1 | \lambda,\,t_i] = 1 - \exp(-\lambda t_i)$
The likelihood function for all observations is:
$P[\overline{x}| \lambda,\overline{t}] = (\prod_{x_i=0}\exp(-\lambda t_i)) \cdot (\prod_{x_i=1}(1-\exp(-\lambda t_i)))$
Assuming that the observation intervals are chosen independently from anything else, I would like to estimate the parameter $\lambda$ under some reasonable prior
$\lambda^\star = argmax_\lambda P[\lambda | \overline{x},\,\overline{t}]$
$P[\lambda | \overline{x},\,\overline{t}] \propto P[\overline{x}| \lambda,\overline{t}] \cdot P[\lambda]$
If possible, I would like to use a conjugate prior in order to perform recursive estimation, but I'm not sure whether one exists.
My questions:
1. Does a conjugate prior for that likelihood exist?
2. If a conjugate prior does not exist, what estimator can I use? I'm interested in an estimator that can be updated incrementally for each observation, without keeping track of all the observation history.